Help/Requests / Noobs banning for nothing
« on: August 22, 2009, 01:25:16 PM »
I just got banned again
...for nothing. I was playing on the zs_infectedcity map and was camping on the train. Other humans were killed or just were in other places. It was 9th wave and i had some chances to survive. I got many kills and got some new weapons and the barricade kit. I barricaded 2 sides of the train and was shooting zombies that was trying to get me and suddenly player apie2 started the vote to ban me and he vrote i was cheating or smth like that. As you guessed most of players voted "yes". Its not the first time, i was banned in similar cases or just by random votes. Im asking admins to do something with that. I like this server and have nice time playing on it.
P.S. sorry for my english.

P.S. sorry for my english.