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Messages - Jspapp

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hey everyone
« on: July 03, 2009, 08:13:36 PM »
Nice to meet you to, coolz!

/obligatory Steam group request

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hey everyone
« on: June 28, 2009, 06:24:10 PM »

Well, I'm 17 and as far as building things, I'm mostly playing with random things (like spawning that giant ladder and roping a rocket-chair to it) or learning about Expression2 and messing around with wiremod.
Other than that, I like to hang out in GMod to meet new people and have some fun.

Outside of Garry's Mod, I'm into computers and probably know at least the basics of almost everything computer-related. I know HTML and PHP, and have experience with Flash and know a tiny bit of programming with C.

Yay for example work! =D  <-- Upload an MP3 and it'll give you a player and some code to stick into your Myspace and whatnot.  <-- Just random stuff I've done.

I dug those files out of a backup after about a year, so if any errors pop up just ignore them. ;)

Approved Respected Apps / Hey everyone
« on: June 07, 2009, 09:00:28 AM »
So yeah, I go by Jspapp (Jspapp5 on Steam, if it matters)
I'm from the great and glorious land of Ohio aaaaand... stuff.

But yeah, hi and all that.

Pages: [1]