Boneyard / OMG Big Rich = Troll :L
« on: July 04, 2010, 11:04:18 AM »
Yeah... what would you have done?
OMG Big_Rich: Drakie Are U A Girl?
OMG Big_Rich: :O LOl!
Drakie: YES I AM A GIRL?!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!1ONE!!!!1ELEVEN!!!!
acas4: can you guys hear me now
OMG Big_Rich: no
Drakie: fuck off, dont add me just cause im a girl
OMG Big_Rich: Who>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Player [DR]Dr.Peelz has joined the game
InvalidTurkey: can you guys please drown yourselves so i can live again
Drakie: no i dont like twilight :L
OMG Big_Rich: fuck
Drakie: and i hate reading
[Vodka=GameON]HERQS suicided!
OMG Big_Rich: hi birdy
[DR]Dr.Peelz suicided!
OMG Big_Rich suicided!
Player yesclayton left the game (Disconnect by user.)
OMG Big_Rich: So Fucking Gay
OMG Big_Rich: acas we cant hear u
M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires: i can tell your mit education really pays for itself
Drakie: T_T fuck off Big Rich
M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires: don't struggle honey
Drakie: Ye XD
OMG Big_Rich: Drakie Suck My Cock here ya go l---------------
M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires: don't struggle honey
(TEAM) [Vodka=GameON]HERQS: xD
[Vodka=GameON]HERQS: xD
ShOwTiMe33: shermen want to team up for the next round and map
OMG Big_Rich: XD LO!
OMG Big_Rich: Pen!s
^4BoB (Best of Boxes): depends on situation whether u kill
ShOwTiMe33: i get resoures you get resouers shermen so you can make a camp fire
Player A Truck Full of Wheelchairs has joined the game
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
OMG Big_Rich: Guys
OMG Big_Rich: who needs
OMG Big_Rich: sgtomike
acas4: can you guys hear me
OMG Big_Rich: ill help u
Drakie: One of my teachers is called Mr Sherwin :L
OMG Big_Rich: no acas
Drakie: XD
acas4: brb
xXTimXx: whos alive
ShOwTiMe33: dr peelz why are you still here
Drakie: Form Tutor
OMG Big_Rich: One Of My Teacher Is Named Mrs.Cockinballs
InvalidTurkey: i died of random death at the start
Drakie: No one cares Big Rich
OMG Big_Rich: Sr;y
Player EVILX has joined the game
Drakie: damn troll
OMG Big_Rich: Drakie Just come on over and suck MY BIG HAIRY BIRD COCK!
Player Keny left the game (Disconnect by user.)
Player ^4BoB (Best of Boxes) left the game (Disconnect by user.)
ShOwTiMe33: and me
OMG Big_Rich: hehe
Drakie: please
Drakie: go die
OMG Big_Rich: No whore
OMG Big_Rich: Guys i on water
[DR]Dr.Peelz suicided!
Player *626*suna02 has joined the game
Drakie killed xXTimXx using ws_empty
OMG Big_Rich: nom nom nom i love wood
xXTimXx: fuck this lag
Player A Truck Full of Wheelchairs left the game (Disconnect by user.)
xXTimXx: i had a weapon couldnt equip it
Player EVILX left the game (Disconnect by user.)
OMG Big_Rich: Ya!
Player M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires left the game (Kicked by Console : " "Idle for 1200 seconds.")
Player M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires has joined the game
OMG Big_Rich: lol
OMG Big_Rich: how did he idle for 1200 seconds
Player sgtomike left the game (Disconnect by user.)
xXTimXx: drake u suck
OMG Big_Rich: oh ya
Player EVILX has joined the game
xXTimXx: not realy
InvalidTurkey: time 2 play
ShOwTiMe33: shrmen want to go to the same spot
xXTimXx: Spieler M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires hat das Spiel verlassen (Kicked by Console : " "Idle for 1200
Drakie: :L It was less than 3/4 of the server
acas4: come on at the same place
xXTimXx: but i could kill you ^^
acas4: me
ShOwTiMe33: what ever spot we meet
OMG Big_Rich: Drakie i feel bad for you When you are pregnet
OMG Big_Rich: wait vodka
OMG Big_Rich: vodka!
acas4: shut up sherman
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
OMG Big_Rich: i team up with u
Drakie: shut the fuck up Big Rich
M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires: help me brother
OMG Big_Rich: LOL
M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires: i am outnumbered
ShOwTiMe33: acas shut the fuck up
Drakie: You are just a 13 year old little boy trying to look for attention
Player Glenn has joined the game
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Winter Survival|Tick66|Fast DL- !
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acas4 suicided!
acas4: man go to hell
OMG Big_Rich: How do i play
Player acas4 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
OMG Big_Rich suicided!
--Killed him in a fit of rage XD but for certain I'm sure that it is not against the rules to kill someone when they spawn
Player Kiwi [S.L/14/511/L.G] has joined the game
xXTimXx suicided!
OMG Big_Rich: i just spawned
ShOwTiMe33: m4 shremen Im at a camp fire
Drakie: no one cares Rich
M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires suicided!
xXTimXx: Kill
OMG Big_Rich: im reporting you to owner
ShOwTiMe33: well
xXTimXx: Kill all
*626*suna02: invalid turkey team up
ShOwTiMe33 suicided!
Drakie: No you are just a dick head
Drakie suicided!
xXTimXx: little stupid girl toke all my wood
EVILX suicided!
Drakie: XD
OMG Big_Rich: No you are just a poor little cock sucking black mother fucking Whore!
Drakie: Yes
Drakie: Yes i am
OMG Big_Rich: LOL!
Drakie: Are you happy now that you know?
ShOwTiMe33: nnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggg game
xXTimXx: i had enouch stuff to make a campfire but died before i could plant it
OMG Big_Rich: Maybe i can have sex with you
M4 Sherman, Führer of Fires: don't struggle honey
xXTimXx: the stupiest thing the girl died
OMG Big_Rich:
OMG Big_Rich:
[Vodka=GameON]HERQS killed Glenn using ws_empty
ShOwTiMe33: shremn did you die
xXTimXx: go Herqs kill all
Drakie: >< im going back to ZS stupid troll ruined this for me