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Messages - goreman98

Pages: [1]
Could u plz make a new flood server because i know that minge did a rcon kick on me. plz. (BTW i only minge mingers because they really piss me off!)

Server Requests/Suggestions / PLZ HELP I GOT PERMA BAN FOR NO REASON!
« on: August 01, 2010, 03:29:22 AM »
Ok so I was playing Flood Mod like a normal player, then i was kicked from the server. Then a messege came up saying. You have been added to the ban list. Can u plz help me. I really like your Flood server nearly all my friends play it. Any help would be apriecaited

Funny Stuffz / Re: Fail noob is fail.
« on: July 06, 2010, 04:06:32 AM »
x???x: faggotron
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: CAN I GO ON SOEMONE GBOATY
x???x: buy the bugbait
x???x: for extra cash
x???x: go to weapons tab
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: WHAT DOES IT DO
x???x: buy the bugbait on the weapons tab
x???x: its the best weapon
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: WUT DOES IT DO
x???x: it deals many dmg
x???x: jsut buy it
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: HMM OK
x???x: i have it
x???x: tell me what u think :D
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: klm]FPOJNH
(TEAM) [XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: Lnv
(TEAM) [XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: JLZMC
(TEAM) [XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: ZGUCK
(TEAM) [XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: fuck yuou
x???x: lol
x???x: u got rick rolled
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: I WHY THE FUCK IM I RICK
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: ATRGHHFGKKY'
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: FUICK YOU
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: ADMIN ABUSE
x???x: lol im not admin
[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: RIE

I made lots of mistakes in explaining but he believed me lol
WTF DUDE thats so random. wtf. why the f**k did u do that

« on: June 19, 2010, 10:15:16 PM »
I am sick of all those minges who can just pick ur props up and do shit with it  :mad: can someone do something about that   :mad:

I see you, you always ask for money rounds.


Ive now stoped that

My user name is goreman98 u can find me on garrys mod flood mod. I am sick of all the minges hackers and prop pushers thats why I wish to be respected. I will obey all the rules on flood and other  mods. And I will post all of the minges on forums for immediately info. I hope u accept my request. :)

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