Magik stole my idea ?
meh, if my pc gets too hot, i just throw a glass of water in it no prob.
like now
*Throws glass of water
LAWL, I just put on the air conditioner =DYeah, nice hax bro
*puts on air conditioner
OH SHIZ-----
*air conditioner explodes
*ArTIk is copy-cat
*Thread is fail
0.o i just watched this on youtube yesterday, hax?
no, my 2nd computer is just like it ^^, but with a NVIDIA 8700GT Video Card.Man, how i wish i can make a com like that.
I'm still not convinced.
What if it is a scam?
What if the monitor is connected to a different PC?
Then my pc will just die.
And I'd rather cut a small hole in a refrigerator then put my pc inside and the monitor outside with a wire through that hole
Lol, it's not a scam, but it's not worth doing that, there are much better cooling systems in lower prices (I think =O )I am sure a fish tank and some mineral oil is alot cheaper lol xD.
I am sure a fish tank and some mineral oil is alot cheaper lol xD.
it is alot cheaper... why do you think i use one?
random bump wtf..
'Cus you cheap!
random bump wtf..
Pah mineral oil is for wimps.
Using something like MCT 40, or Feser One would cool better over mineral oil. Or better yet, Use something like Liquid Nitrogen cooling would work exponentially better than any water-cooling setup. Even a generic refrigeration unit would work better than a water-cooling setup
While fish tank cooling is quite awesome, It's definitely not the world's best PC cooling system, it's only mildly better than a standard water cooling set up if done properly.
If you have a exorbitant amount of money to waste, there is a PC manufacturer that specializes in Fish tank computers, and they also happen to look considerably more elegant than a computer put into a fish-tank.
over clock that bad boy to 9001 ghz and get a tub full of liquid nitrogen constantly pouring into it with dry ice in it lol h4x.
add red neon lights to that freezing smoke and then hire a pole dancer if u want. very effectivefreeze here to the pole and rape her MmmmMmMmMmMMmmmmmmmm...