8)Hey guys, I used to have Regular in 2010 but it got removed because i was inactive due to my studies.
However, My big exam is over and i A lot of time.
http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,2461.msg34164.html#msg34164 is my previous app but i will make another one (:
Deathsongx3's Regular Application!Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/deathsongx3/ SteamID: STEAM_0:0:18977803
In-Game Name: Deathsongx3 , Sometimes it is DJDeathsongx3
Time online: Usually around Midnight(according to US time) and in the morning ( US time )
Servers: Trouble In Terrorist Town - Most of the Time
Fretta - Barely
Zombie Survival - Less frequent than Fretta.
Age: 15
Birthday: 9th of September
Games (on Steam):Uhmm... Garry's Mod, Every CS Game, Every HL2 Game, Every L4D Game, Every Portal Game, Every DoD Game.. CoD WaW , Black Ops, Dead Space and A lot more.
Please check my Steam Page for more info. If you'd like xD
Location: Malaysia
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: Been playing the server since 2008, Would love to be regular again as I can help ViP's votekick/ban People that break the rules of the server.
Contributions to RND:Uhmm...I've made 12 Zombie Survival Videos of RND In 2010, Which achieved a high amount of views, You may check them out
www.youtube.com/user/deathsongx3And recently,
Garry's Mod TTT : Cooking with Jack . a TTT Video of a person cooking a body, Splendid
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:Steam - Deathsongx3
I'm on most of the time.
Email - Deathsongx3@hotmail.com
>Your very own thank you message<Thank you everyone for taking your time to read this. I hope that it gets approved.
Thanks to Don for reference to this app!Yes, Thank you Don for making my life 20% easier by giving me this app to fill up.