First name: Trevor
Age: 15 8874/9001
Location: ConnelysSprings, North Carolina
Builds: Ive build a few e2s, I am getting allot better in wire and I has bucket.
Sorry but there are fucking mingies on wire at the moment but I didn't want that to be the reason for this request its just I've been on the servers for like 2 years, Iv'e been respected for about half that time and the only reason I can say that I want my respected back is because I need to get rid of these minges... thats all sooz you decide. Also for an example:
(Guest) ☢UMBRELA☢☣ÐJ Louis☣ (l: Pingaz kick him plz
Me: "I cant I'm not respected no more" (over mic (Yay, i have a mic now))