Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Deacon

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I know that a lot of stress in life can make it very difficult to make basic decisions, I had quite a lot hard moments in my not so long life yet, but I think that an admin should not just step down because of that, a better solution would be not to play/moderate or do it less then you usually do but hey, it's not like I know how much stress did you had back then.

I honestly think Deacon would be a great Admin.
He is on the servers a lot, is nice, fun, helpful, and just awesome.

And this is my honest opinion.
But of course it's allllllllllllllllllll up to him

Been thinking about it; if you guys will have me, I'm ready for it. Got a promotion so I'm not on as much but now that I'm not worrying about how to pay the bills (as much) I play more often during my time off. I am very familiar with the procedures and whatnot, very familiar with the rules, and willing to help around the forums if needed.

I will be strict; but try my best not to be offensive in that.
I play a lot of ttt and zs. I'm in green shift more often than stronghold but I can help.

oh shit I came.

My strong  :thumbsup: still stands for the reasons aforementioned.

I came repeatedly

Give this man the admin. No one deserves it as much as Deacon (excluding Snivy).


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