Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: Deacon
I know this has been said many times but i have to say it again. He quit being a VIP because he couldn't handle the stress of it... Now if this was any other person besides Deacon would we even give this app a second glance besides "Couldn't handle stress of VIP, No"
Seriously! I would love for Deacon to be an Admin but realistically he couldn't handle VIP and that isn't a good quality for admin... I think some of you are basing your votes on your personal relationship with him.
If i am wrong on the reason he stepped down then i apologize.
--- Quote from: Shawn on November 27, 2011, 07:23:08 AM ---text
--- End quote ---
Message from Deacon:
I stepped down from VIP because I was dealing with alot of stress in my life, especially in my personal life, which is, respectfully, none of your business (if you really want to know, just ask). The problem was that I was so frustrated and easy to set off that I would get angry anytime I came across someone doing something wrong, especially our repeat offenders.
I stepped down to avoid myself making stupid decisions as a VIP. I didn't want to show to everyone that RND had moderators that would kick you because they were angry. Even if that was not the case, if they were actually breaking rules, the way I would condone myself at that time made it seem as though I was just upset and taking it out on someone. When I stepped down, it was to avoid that from becoming a problem, and perhaps my choice in doing some pretty stupid things.
Just want to mention again that the purpose of posting the application, I believe, was just to get opinions about Deacon. We all know that he said he doesn't want to be promoted right now. That's fine. He isn't being forced to be promoted... it's just to discuss him in a different position.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
--- Quote from: DoeniDon on November 27, 2011, 09:02:20 AM ---Message from Deacon:
I stepped down from VIP because I was dealing with alot of stress in my life
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First Deacon you could've messaged me instead i believe we do have each other on steam :P
Second my OP in now invalid that was based on the assumption it was due to stress of being a VIP. Which i gathered from this thread
--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on November 26, 2011, 05:33:30 PM ---But as he's said, he didn't want to have the attention and stress of being a VIP.
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but i guess Hotgreen Misquoted you which caused the confusion.
--- Quote from: Shawn on November 27, 2011, 09:42:48 AM ---First Deacon you could've messaged me instead i believe we do have each other on steam :P
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I'm sure it was directed towards everyone in the thread, not just you.
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