I've seen you before but only once so I really cant say anything about you. The thing is I've only seen you once in the few weeks I've been back. Now I live in Australia and so I may of missed the times you play on the servers. I really don't think age is much of a factor because even if you are 11 you can still get approved (11 is the youngest age I've seen someone achieve Regular).
Just a little heads up the title of Regular really doesn't do anything until a VIP comes on. Its just a title to show the difference between the random people who come on and the people who are more committed to the servers and thus get a say in votes.
I really would of waited at least a week to 2 before resubmitting your application though so that may get in the way of people's votes towards the application.
You might wanna change your attitude towards how picky we are about who is accepted into the ranks of Regular.
I'm not going to hold your previous application against you but still

My reasons:
-I have seen you before but not for long
-Your attitude towards the difficulty of Regular Applications isn't what it should be
-The regular application you made has little effort put into it at first and had to be edited even though this is your second application submission. (Regular is not something that is handed out lightly. The more effort you put into the application the more likely it will be accepted)
-I have my bars set high for the people who join the ranks of Regular (And this is the one that influenced my decision the most)
HOWEVER I am willing to change my mind if you check out on everything else.
Silent Phoenix
(I know I'm all formal xD)