On the 29th of November , 2006 - Garry’s Mod 10 was released on Steam. A lot has changed in GMod since then. I feel like I’ve kept my promise to continually update it for free, and I think you guys have rewarded me for that by giving me a pretty comfortable living. But Garry’s Mod hasn’t only changed my life.
Seva Odynets Writes:
I really want to thank Garry Newman and everyone that has worked on Garry’s Mod for making it better and better. Without it I wouldn’t programming, starting a development career, or even understanding the simplest mechanics that are in our every day world.
Corey Faure explains how Garry’s Mod affected his life:
Garry’s Mod is actually how I came to discover Half-Life 2 and other Valve games. If it wasn’t for Garry’s Mod, I would have kept ignoring the series (I thought the FPS genre just wasn’t for me until this point).
Eventually you released ToyBox on which we could upload some pretty nifty weapons and odds n’ ends. I browsed around, staring in wonder at the near endless amounts of custom content. I started my trek into people’s maps on the Cloud. Soon, I wanted a taste of what it was like to be a model/map developer. So, I installed the SDK and began my journey as a mapper. I published quite a few little maps on the ToyBox, and eventually models as well. I suddenly realized that this may be my career; being a map developer and model artist was so fun and the perfect challenge! I decided to dedicate my time to learning more about game development. I tried learning lua, but I have yet to fully understand the language well enough to create more than a simple sentence that says an inputted name.
Garry’s Mod was the seed for my career choice. Now I work harder than ever with the determination to get into the games industry.
Daniel Schetter explains how GMod is creating a new generation of movie directors:
With all of the tools and freedom that was given it inspired me to start creating movies. There were endless possibilities that allowed me to experiment with different camera angles and scenes that eventually led to me becoming a Machinima director. So basically I was self taught about cinematography and film in garrysmod because of its features and now I want to pursue film as a career.
Garry’s Mod has helped Austin Schmidt at school
You mod has been a major part of my life, but your game has helped me most in my science classes. I have use your mod to demonstrate many concepts of physics (mostly Newtons laws of physics) and every time i have presented I have always got an A on the presentation.
But as Richard Thornley explains, it’s not just the students:
I use gmod to make machinima to teach (gulp) chemistry. About 50 such videos far.
And finally Moe Moe explains that it probably saved PC Gaming
Garrysmod was the first game i played on the PC after about eight years of hating on it. I regret not playing it from the start and making it my main platform. Garrysmod helped drag me back into PC gaming. It’s is one of the best games I’ve ever played on PC. No matter how simple Garrysmod seemed at first, it ended up being the best and the most complex game I have ever played in my whole entire life.
You know, to have a job where you change people’s lives for the better is probably all you can ever ask for in life. I really appreciate how lucky I am to have fell into this position. Obviously big, huge, massive thanks for Valve for helping me land like this.
I’ve got some big plans for the coming year. GMod 13 is on its way. I’m going to try to beat GMod’s multiplayer into shape. It’s going to be a good year for Garry’s Mod.
How should we celebrate this? Or should we?