Frank's VIP Application
Name: Frank
Age: 15, born 12/12/1995.
In RND since: March the 29Th, 2009.
Times online: Not exact. Depends on my Internet connection and my school schedule.
Time Zone: GMT -3
Location: Argentina. City remains untold for privacy purposes.
Servers I mostly play on: TTT and Wire.
(when I play)
Steam Name: FrankRND
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:32210144
Why I should be VIP:
1. Even though there already are many VIPS and admins, they can't be all the time on.
2. I want to help this community as much as I can.
3. I want to keep the servers clean and minge-free while maintaining the fun.
4. I have a long experience in GMod overall, and deep knowledge of how shitty gaming can become with minges.
Why I want to be VIP: Not gonna bullshit.
1. For the privileges, derp.
2. In case there is a disruptive player at the time I'm playing and I can't find any admins or VIPs, or said people won't respond.
Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
1. Depending on the level of the offence, it'd range from a first warning, to a kick, a ban, or calling a superior. The level of punishment would also increase as the offence is repeated.
Contributions to RND:
1. English and Spanish version of the Language section rules.
2. Spanish version of the rANdOm SVN Manager.
3. Some migrated posts.
Games I have (on Steam):
Counter Strike Source
Garry's Mod
Left 4 Dead 2
Orange Box
Overlord Raising Hell
Overlord II
Velvet Assassin
Methods to contact me:
1. Steam Account Name: FrankRND
2. Hot Mail/MSN: *****
3. GMail:
A few friends active in RND
Sabb -- Profile/Steam Profile
Devie -- Profile/Steam Profile
coolzeldad -- Profile/Steam Profile
DoeniDon -- Profile/Steam Profile
Supertoaster -- Profile/Steam Profile
Derp hurr.
Thank you reader, thank you voter, thank you poster.
Thanks to Don for reference to this app!
Yours derpy,
P.S.: Yes, it's almost the same app as before.
This is an easy +1 from me. Frank might have been inactive for a while, but that was primarily due to personal reasons and I'm 100% sure that he can devote as much time as possible into RND again.
Frank has always been a great friend of mine and I'm VERY sure that he will make a great VIP - again.
Also, as a reminder, he was only demoted for inactivity, not due to abuse or anything else.