DeathLegacys's Regular Application:
In-Game Name: -[PuG]- DeathLegacy
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37604817
Time online: Well, I play in my free time, and that is mostly after school, making it 4:00pm though 8:00pm on weekdays and on the weekends, 9:00am though 11:00pm.
Servers: Meh, I just play Zombies, and other times I just poke around for a free build, never really go back to the same one.
Age: 13 (Trust me, I know allot for a 13 year old, way more than others)
Birthday: December 5th
Games: Jesus, just go to my steam account...I got 60 games...
Location: United States, Minnesota
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
Well, Iv been playing for quite some time on RND, and I help out people if they need it, and I don't be an minge, I try to be nice to everyone but some people really need some kicking, or they swear every other word because they think they are "cool". I don't swear TO much but I do, and I don't troll others.

I'm known by allot of people on RND and I really hope I can become a Reg, thanks.
Contributions to RND: Well, never really got much chances, so I haven't had any contributions.
Thank you all so much for reading my application, please reply below!
Edit: I'm kinda ignored by others...and I get trolled allot...I just wanna make this place better by helping VIPs and Regs kick and ban the people that ruin other peoples time here on RND...