In-Game Name: Captain Jack
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54015
Time online: I usualy play Everyday atleast 1 Hour a Day, On weekdays i play from 4PM- 11PM
In order from the one most played to the one least played:
I only play 2 RND Servers currently.
Birthday: September 22 1998
Games (on Steam):
Garry's Mod
Half Life 2 Deathmatch
Counter-Strike: Source
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Dead Rising 2
Left 4 Dead 2
And many, many more.
Location: Hamilton,Ontario
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I want too be a Regular becouse i play Stronghold almost everyday and i would like to try to help keep the server good and fun to play for everyone.
I also would like too be a Regular too help VIP's in there Votekicks/Votebans and too use the Regular-only tools for Sledbuld

I have never been in any issues with any players and i am very social with everyone in the server.
I do not Rage/Flame at people without good Reason and i dont yell at Admins/VIP's too do somthing about it. I respect all the players and if Someone is Breaking the Rules i tell them too stop and if they dont Listen too me then i would get a Admin or VIP Too handle with it.
Contributions to RND: I Currently have not contributed too RDN But i would like too Help keep all the Severs clean and Fun too play

If you want to contact me for anything add me on Steam