IGN: McDreary The Hapless Hamster
SteamID: # 38 "McDreary The Hapless Hamster" STEAM_0:0:26591600 00:56 143
Time online: Anywhere from 4-10 pm MST
Servers: Mostly zombie survival, and I've played the TF2 one a few times
Age: 16
Birthday: March 7th
Games on steam: out of my 48 games, I mostly play
Portal 2
Half life series
Bioshock 1 and 2
Location: Pocatello Idaho- aka Armpit of the US
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I'm good at G-mod, and have been playing the ZS server for almost a year now. And I never use my mic, so I never voice spam

Contributions to RND:
I haven't done to much here, but I know how to play these games, and I'm able to help people out if they ask

To contact me: use my steam please