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Small improvment in Zombiesurvival gamemode

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Mr. Franklin:
well, we could keep it the same. except fix the headcrab bug when you crouch, you sometimes look threw the floor.


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on September 29, 2010, 01:34:08 PM ---Could disable crouching.. but I don't know how many maps would be effected by that..

Not sure if that's what ya meant

--- End quote ---

No i just mean animations lol

Dr. Insano:
They don't crouch
They crawl.
But good luck finding someone to animate the Zombies some crawling animations.

I am  a little confused to how crouching affects zombies, does it lower their hitbox so they can crouch through vents? or what

Should disregard this suggestion,
Morfin complains a shit lot about anything and everything.


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