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Small improvment in Zombiesurvival gamemode

(1/3) > >>

Hello. Today i've got one idea about zombiesurvival. Zombie models(chem&&poison(same model),fastie, classic) does not have crouch animation, so they looks like that:

(sorry for Paint just don't have time to screen or draw better image). It happens in every vent or something like that in places like vent on zs_4ngry_quarantine(under kitchen), also when you're classic and human cut off your legs in vents you can stuck somewhere. And when zombie "crouch" his head can be hit with some melee weapon because the position hitbox is the same as when a zombie is standing . What do you think about fixing that small "bug", that will make zombies work easier.

Yes we know its messed up, people have been working on it and trying to fix it.

» Magic «:
ehh i like it the way it is

A qoute from Jet Boom and his players

Zombies Don't Crouch
--- Quote ---

I agree with that
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--- Quote from: Tomcat on September 28, 2010, 02:26:13 PM ---A qoute from Jet Boom and his players

Zombies Don't Crouch

--- End quote ---

Could disable crouching.. but I don't know how many maps would be effected by that..

Not sure if that's what ya meant


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