Author Topic: My guide for No more room in hell [Version 1.0]  (Read 152 times)

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Offline A4F| Ghost

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My guide for No more room in hell [Version 1.0]
« on: November 05, 2011, 09:48:12 AM »
                                           .:RND'=- Ghost's Guide for "No more room in hell"  ;D :knife: :zombie:

as soon as the round starts grab any weapon you find, and try avoiding melee weapons
as getting close up and personal with zombies is always a bit risky however don't hog all the guns on the map and share them
with your team mates. If you are away from zombies check your ammo by holding R as you do not want to run out of ammo and end up
switching weapons when the zombies have surrounded you
my personal order of weapons ( most effective till least effective )
1-Shotguns / Rifles
2-Assault Rifles / Smgs
4-Sniper Rifles
5-Flare gun / Melee weapons

Know your maps
if your new to the game you need to start exploring the maps and keep going to new places because if you don't know your maps you wont be able to
find good weapons and will probably get lost, however the C key on the keyboard does tell you what the objective is. The password for most of the doors which are locked by a security keypad can be found within the maps on props such as notes,
an example password is "9247" for the weapons room in the cabin map.
Oh and if your out on the street and need a minute or 2 to think what your gonna do next jump on top of a car as zombies can not reach you there

Sooner or later there is going to be a situation in which your gonna need another player to watch your back while you weld a door, carry a battery from point a to point b or do something else and that is exactly why you should try not to team kill and share your ammo and weapons with your team mates cause if you piss them off then your not gonna have anyone to watch your 6 and your death will probably be inevitable. If you keep a good attitude towards others they will have a similar attitude towards you and will probably also be happy to share their ammo and weapons with you. If there is someone on the team who says he is infected look for pills nearby but if you don't have them or don't find them do not hesitate to shoot him.

Get rid of those team killers !
is there someone on the team who is just pissing everyone off by killing them as soon as he gets his hands on a weapon ? well all you have to do is stay away from him until you get yourself a gun and then don't hesitate to kill him, tell everyone to kos him as soon as the round starts and then just proceed to the next objective. he will eventually rage quit.

Know your zombies
Here is the list of the most dangerous to the least dangerous zombies, kill accordingly :-
Little bitches
Sprinters / Infected players
Normal zombies
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 09:53:53 AM by A4F| Ghost »

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Re: My guide for No more room in hell [Version 1.0]
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2011, 09:55:35 AM »
Those bitches need some slap. :/

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Offline Castle

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Re: My guide for No more room in hell [Version 1.0]
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2011, 10:55:01 AM »
Those kid zombies ALWAYS piss me the fu*k off.  :nu:

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Re: My guide for No more room in hell [Version 1.0]
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 09:26:03 AM »
*clear hallway* Fuck yeah that was hard!
*goes to next section sees too many zombies*
*goes back but sees halway repopulated.*
Fuck...  ???