Author Topic: 28/09/10 Application: Phsycadelic - [PLEASE RESUBMIT]  (Read 71 times)

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28/09/10 Application: Phsycadelic - [PLEASE RESUBMIT]
« on: September 28, 2010, 08:16:20 AM »
The VIP Application:-


Name(First name required only):
-Turkey Al-Sanie (It's an Arabic Name, Yes I am from the Middle East.)

-16, "December 12 1993"

Time spent on Server:
-About 150+ days.

Agreement to all rules and understanding:
-Yes, I fully agree and understand.

Why would you want "VIP"?:
-Because  of the recent demotion of so many Respected that helped the Servers by  eliminating the Rule Breakers by the SolidVotes feature/power, I thought  I could re-volunteer like I did before for Respected, but this time for  a position of VIP, since it wouldn't hurt either..

And don't worry about possibly me being an ignorant or causing trouble or having arguments with other players since I'm a VIP.
I  follow the rules, and basic common sense and logic and once I decide to  use the SolidVote don't worry about Abuse, I use them only in need when  a Player is Rule Breaking/Or being generally idiotic and ruining the  game.

Position (that you are applying for):
- "VIP"
Current Position :
- A "Regular"

Past experience/Communities joined before?:
-Yes,  4 (Communities like DD, GRS, FP, Dream-Land)  community clans and about  6 Garry's Mod servers of Administration.  (Servers like  GTARP/WW2RP/Average Sandbox etc)

General Information:
I'm  a hardcore gamer from Middle East, Saudi Arabia, I like to lead and  Administrate, I'm 16 and interested in Gaming (My favorite games are  Garry's Mod, TF2, F.E.A.R 2), Wrestling, and technology, and basically  whats cool and new and revolutionary.

I'm also currently working on improving my skills in Editing and Web Designing (If you would like to see how I'm doing go to my website)  In HTML/PHP/Forum Administration. And soon going into Script Language's like C++ / C

So I could also be a helping hand to this community if it needed.

When are you available (EST, WST, GMT)?:
-GMT 9:00-24:00 (24 Hour) Weekdays (My sleeping habits may change).

Other :
-No, Thanks.  And I guess I would really appreciate if it, If you accepted me.

I doubt I spelt his name right - +1, He has never minged in the history of playing with me, has never been mingey according to community reportipingas, He is fun to play with and always puts up a good game in TTT

« Last Edit: October 04, 2010, 12:58:28 PM by Moo »

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Re: 28/09/10 Application: Phsycadelic
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2010, 12:58:16 PM »