1. Player's SteamID"|TG|Smoking Death" STEAM_0:0:19416161
"Mr. Diamond" STEAM_0:0:30475525
"BibidyBobidy ッ" STEAM_0:1:23860062
"Roasthawkmoon" STEAM_0:0:9431349
"xXAlien60Xx" STEAM_0:0:30506931
"[HCFP]_Marc" STEAM_0:1:35632189
"Zman" STEAM_0:1:22090954
"- Armed and Ready -" STEAM_0:0:32431317
2. Players Nickname|TG|Smoking Death
Mr. Diamond
BibidyBobidy ッ
- Armed and Ready -
3. Your in-game nameAlkaline
Driver's Ed Sucks
Grotesque Penis
4. Server nameStronghold
5. Description of the event(s)Playing for a while.
Started dying a lot.
Used the new spectate mode. I do not know what I would do without this.
Picked off two players.
Demos are self explanatory.
*Added Bibidy Bobbity to the list.
Proof is in his demo.
*Added Roasthawkmoon.
Proof is in his demo.
*Added xXAlien60Xx.
Proof is in his demo.
*Added [HCFP]_Marc
Proof is in his demo.
*Added Armed and Ready and Zman.
Speedhacking around when only 4 people where on.
Proof is in each of their demos.
6. Ban reasonTG|Smoking Death -- Aimbot / Wallhack
Mr. Diamond -- Aimbot / Wallhack
BibidyBobidy ッ -- Speedhack
Roasthawkmoon -- Aimbot / Wallhack
xXAlien60Xx -- Wallhack
[HCFP]_Marc -- Wallhack / Anti-reload
- Armed and Ready - -- Speedhack / Wallhack
Zman -- Speedhack / Wallhack
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 03:16:16 PM
Notice the chat above the status.
8. ExtraIf you are any of the people listed here, post your excuse if you feel like it.
I made sure I had proof for voteban and for this report.
If you feel as though one of the people listed do not have sufficient proof, post now before an admin takes action.