Hello Its Kill
Well I got Banned for 2 days cus my brother made a dupe ACC i want u guys to know that i wont break the rules ty and sorry for my brother to be and idiot.
bullshit you liar. we all, or at least i know, that you made that acc just so u can act like some1 gave a fuck about ur suggestion.
Steps to see proofz:
1) go to
http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,780.0.html2) look at his first post "« on: September 18, 2010, 05:47:02 PM »"
3) look at the other accounts post "« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2010, 05:51:10 PM »" a mere 4 minutes later
4) look at "birdistheword's" profile. registered: September 18, 2010, 05:49:28 PM
5) look how birdistheword is the only 1 who voted him up. he is using that account to try and give himself + respect if you do "show voters" you can see.
6) ? ? ?
7) Profit.
Ur lies don't work around here nobody will have sympathy for you and now we know u will lie to save your ass, showing you are not fit for VIP or whatever.
Pwned by jman. kthx