Author Topic: Application: Hotgreensoldier  (Read 412 times)

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Application: Hotgreensoldier
« on: November 05, 2011, 01:19:42 AM »
Hotgreensoldier seems like a viable admin candidate and I would like to see your opinions  :)


Hotgreen's Admin Application!

About Me

Real-life name:



Steam Name/Profile:

As a lot of you know, my name is Hotgreensoldier and I am currently a VIP within rANdOm. Although I have not been a VIP for as long as some others have, I've come to the thought of attempting to become an administrator. The reason I would like to become an admin is because there has been some debate how there is a slight need of more administrators for the servers. I want to make an application to increase the variety of eligible candidates and increase the chances of new admins being promoted. I'm not necessarily saying that I want to be promoted instead of others, I'm just saying that with more application more are possibly going to be approved at once if Coolz decides with it, which will resolve the matter in a even more effective way.

Why I want to be admin:
I want to be admin so I can help out more than I already do. I want to be able to deal with reports, give regulars a better chance of becoming VIP, regulate the servers in a more efficient manner, and help out in anything else I can.

Why I should be admin:
In my opinion, I think I should be admin because I've helped many times in situations. I am very active on the forum and the servers and I always respond when someone asks me for help (unless I absolutely can't.) I know most of the rNd community and I communicate with them on a regular basis. I have never been banned from the rNd servers (excluding a name change ban) and have never been reported directly.

Good things about me:
I have never, and will NEVER abuse powers bestowed upon me.
I attempt to treat all players with respect as long as the same is done unto others.
I am well-known (I think?) by the community and I recognize a large portion of them.
Very active in servers and forum.
I try to help whenever I can
I have never been banned from the servers (Cept for a derp moment when I changed name in TTT...)
I constantly patrol all server and ask people if they require help through global chat.
I will always come and help out in a situation if I can.

Bad things about me
1. I am immature at times, but I do not let it affect my judgement. I just eat it up.
2. I am a tad bit inexperienced with technical aspects in computers and other things like that
3. I have not been for the longest of times. (or at least in the community)
4. Sometimes I blurt things out without realizing what I've said
5. I don't really go too harsh on people unless they are hacking or are just going overboard.
6. I tend to get annoying at times.
7. I only have a small bit of experience of being an admin.

Hours spent on Gmod:

Hours/minutes spent on rNd servers according to gametrackers:
I'm not sure what the values are but the number is from all the added numbers on how long I've been on the servers.

Time around when I first started playing rNd:
Around 2 years ago when I first played the TTT server.

I may not be much of a oldfag in rNd but I have contributed as much as I can to it and tried to help in every way possible. I would never abuse these powers if they were bestowed upon me nor would I ever deny a request for help. rNd is one of the first server I joined when I started playing Garrysmod and ever since then I have enjoyed it to the fullest. If this were to be approved I would be active on the forum, checking reports, regular applications, VIP applications, and the servers, by moderating them whenever I am on and try to help out as much as possible.

rNd is the only servers that I play and if my favorite and I would never do anything bad to be stripped of my privilege to play and serve it. I want to be able to help out even more than I already try to and make things easier for others players/VIPs/admins.

Experiences you've had in the past:
Being a VIP on Deacon's server: I was given powers to be able to ban/kick and use other powers that would otherwise not be availdable to other players. During this time I never abused and tried to avoid using my powers as much as possible

Mass RDMer in TTT:
Kick if RDMs exceed over 5

Disrespecting other players:
Ask to stop nicely, if player continues warn them, if player keeps doing it, slay. If they refuse to stop kick. If they come back and continue doing it ban for 60 minutes.

Permanently ban.

Aimbots, hacks, etc:
Watch player and record them. If hacking permanently ban.

Teamkilling in Zs:
Tell them not to do it again. If done again, kick. If they come back and do it again, ban for a small amount of time.

Tell them to suicide or get out of the glitch. If they do not comply ask them again. If they still do not respond kick. If they come back, ban them for a small amount of time.

Threatening server:
Tell them to be quiet, if they continue threatening the server ban for 1 day. If threatening to DDos permanently ban after warning one more time.

Exploiting map/gamemode:
Tell them to stop. If they do not ban for 60 minutes.

I have helped get rid of many hackers/DDos'ers.
Made quite a few reports.
Helped new players when they needed help
Joining other servers when someone needs help
Helped an admin with a issue on a report.

Special thanks to these people for helping me grow and learn. You guys are like family.
Schreii   SMasters   Deacon
Jman   DoeniDon   Sabb
Magic   Tomcat   Coolz
Rubenbish   Supertoaster   cogsandpigots
Snivy M.D.   Cake Face   Sheeps_Aholy
Alphaggot   Shimmuh   iPounce [Valor]
Necruly   Prox   Shawn   Teeny
Moo      Cable   
Thank you for taking your time to read this and thank you for giving your votes whether negative or positive.

Huge thanks to Don for helping me out on the app and getting me out of application block :L

▲▲Big thanks to Marie for this awesome sprite! :3

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Offline Don

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2011, 02:23:14 AM »
I think Hotgreen would be a great choice.

He's mature, responsible and doesn't overreact when confronted with difficult situations.
Also he's a great friend, and I'd love to see him admin.

Offline Dale Feles

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2011, 05:15:42 AM »
I think he still is kinda new, but has proven GREAT maturity. He is often active on Gmod, and is always a great person to have around. I would really like to see him as an admin.

Thank you Marie for the sprite.

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2011, 07:30:27 AM »
Like Silent said u are still a bit new.
But you are mature, doesn't do a shit wrong so...

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2011, 07:58:23 AM »
Wow wow wow, slow down man..

You just recently got VIP and no offense, you're not ready for it. Not only that, but there's other people I think should get it more for various reasons. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see you as an admin in the future for sure, just not now exactly.

Sorry, but for now  :thumbsdown: / +0

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2011, 09:04:18 AM »
Wow wow wow, slow down man..

You just recently got VIP and no offense, you're not ready for it. Not only that, but there's other people I think should get it more for various reasons. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see you as an admin in the future for sure, just not now exactly.

Sorry, but for now  :thumbsdown: / +0
He might have just gotten VIP, but as said a million times, time doesn't really matter for much. Hotgreen has really matured and he's a great player, he's got better judgement than most, and is perfect for managing the servers.
I do really think he deserves it now, whether he's been VIP for a short time or not. Besides, if there other candidates as well as hotgreen all good for admin, that doesn't mean they can't all be promoted. Assuming everyone, including coolz of course, agrees with them being promoted.

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2011, 09:48:43 AM »
This is a REALLY tuff one, On one hand i agree with this "
I think Hotgreen would be a great choice.

He's mature, responsible and doesn't overreact when confronted with difficult situations.
Also he's a great friend, and I'd love to see him admin.

But at the same time this

You just recently got VIP.

You've only been VIP for like 2-3 months and some of been since the beginning (Like Don)

This is just really tuff

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2011, 09:49:17 AM »
He might have just gotten VIP, but as said a million times, time doesn't really matter for much. Hotgreen has really matured and he's a great player, he's got better judgement than most, and is perfect for managing the servers.
I do really think he deserves it now, whether he's been VIP for a short time or not. Besides, if there other candidates as well as hotgreen all good for admin, that doesn't mean they can't all be promoted. Assuming everyone, including coolz of course, agrees with them being promoted.

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2011, 09:52:00 AM »
He needs more time.
Quotes from friends:
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.:~RND`=- Mr.Franklin -=: tweeeeek it

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2011, 02:23:08 PM »
Automatic +1 for this man.
My personal opinion time does not matter, but he is outgoing and takes charge.
Has more then enough experience for admin.
Good luck buddy.
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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2011, 09:15:43 AM »
Hotgreen is capable of becoming a new admin. He is active, he knows what to do and how to act in many situations in the servers and the forums. He's also a cool guy to play with.  :thumbsup:

Offline coolzeldad

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Re: Application: Hotgreensoldier
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2011, 11:51:32 PM »
I would like to welcome Hotgreensoldier to the rNd Administration Team!

I have great faith in hotgreen's ability to act maturely and help the community in every way he can. :)
▲▲Big thanks to Marie for this awesome sprite! :3

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Every time you download Garry's Mod illegally, Garry makes a bug.

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