Man, memories...
I remember when I first started playing. My dad was introduced to WoW by one if his good friends, and I always loved watching my dad play it.
After awhile, my dad finally allowed me and my other brother to play it.
My main problem was that I would always get bored and lost leveling characters, I would always delete them and start over to something new.
The highest level I got my character was a Night Elf Warrior; Level 64
Anyways, that aside, I don't remember why I stopped playing legit WoW-- Actually, I do.
I started watching YouTube video's of people on Private Servers doing all this cool stuff, and I really wanted to do that.
So after time and time again trying to find a server that worked and was free, I found a server (and forum's) of Shoupz.
I basically stayed there until the server went down due to money issues, but man was it fun.
I really enjoyed being able to crazy things and such.
Thankfully though, I've been away from WoW ever since the server went down.
After a year or so, I got un-addicted... Until I started playing Garry's Mod (TTT).
However, I'm bored of TTT and the only thing keeping me from leaving Garry's Mod is SH.
ANYWAYS, Yeah, I used to play. Had great fun.
You should have seen my dad though. He had money like no other. He could have literally owned the AH (or so I was told).
If you're from Eitrigg (Spell Check?), do you know Citibank?>Recently started playing
>Dad quit awhile ago
>I'd be surprised if you did know Citibank.