LOL!!! lights up a smoke god

I love Tezuni thinking I confessed. Applause is in order for you sir hahaha Deacon and Snivy talk to Vastined he is aware that I was screwing with Tezuni on that one

Also T hacks you got to be kidding me sweet heart I am clean was checked out several times

, I believe by some admins,vips and super admins is that not correct boys

I am aware what goes behind the curtains of the server so no reason to play games.
I saw the guy go into T room and jump out of the portal I am sorry Tezuni to say but for some magical reason you do not have that recorded. When I was clearly screaming it out so why no recording of that eh I wonder why.
But really if you think that is Ghosting or T hacks be my guests and ban me I got no problems with that. The reason being is no ghosting and no hacks I actually been reporting anyone that tried or even asked to ghost with me. Thus I wonder why would such thing arise meh anyway I'm gonna go have some cake if you don't mind

So when you say give up ghosters I already have done so before I believe it was roughly 3-4 ghosters each a day every week and month. Thankfully supplied to the admins and VIPs that had them banned within seconds of them even asking me to ghost with them.
It is your decision to do this I got nothing to hide yes I ghosted long long long ago, you can't even call it ghosting because it was the first time that I did and was the last because I was told it was against the rules.
Thus F.P.S Russian punches out of there because I am tired of this false stuff even though I follow the rules all the time. I wish you boys all the best I hope you can find someone new to keep the TTT server from turning into a shit storm. So I will do you all a big favour and abandon the ship that I helped to keep clean up to you to keep it clean now.
I'm gonna go nom nom some spirits for breakfast