Don't waste pistol bullets. Kill zombies with melee. remeber time your melee attacks as the zombie finishes its attack so you can get a hit in without getting hurt.
Melee is your best friend unless toom any zombie attack then keep a safe distance and unload with your Deagle/Revolver/Glock.
Unless you have a SMG ammo crate in the map, Conserve SMG ammo and Regenerate it's ammo when the Regen comes along.
Don't take unneccassary mistakes. Always keep an eye on your health. A normal zombie will kill you in 3-4 hits. Unless you can dodge with melee with 50% health or less, Search for first aid kits or health stations.
It takes roughly 4 hits with an Axe, shovel, Sledgehammer or frying pan to kill a normal zombie ( i assume they do around 50-75 damage)
It takes roughly 5-6 hits with a carpenters hammer.
It takes roughly 15-20 hits with a plank... (Plank is bad)
Peashooter handgun: The most accurate pistol and one of the most accurate guns in the gamemode. It's high 18 clip magazine and high fire rate is accompanied by its relatively low damage. My personal favourite handgun
Battleaxe handgun: moderate damage, medium clip and medium fire rate. Meh
Owens handgun: Fires 2 bullets but low ammo clip. the downgrade of the crossfire glock.
Zombie drill deagle: High fire rate, 7 clip magazine, high damage. one of the best weapons in the game.
Ricochet magnum: Slow fire rate, 6 rounds and very high damage. bullets bounce of walls at an angle. great for sharpshooters.
Crossfire glock: Medium fire rate, 7 clip magazine, medium damage. fires 3 shots! A mini shotgun and great for swarms but accuracy is a douche.
SMG's are all good but ammo must be accounted for.
Annabelle shotgun: High damage, 4 rounds, good accuracy. the worst shotgun as the the magnum is better.
Boomstick: Very high damage, 2 rounds fired in together. It goes boom. what else
Sweeper shotgun: high damage, 3 rounds, slow fire rate. It's a good shotgun.
Inferno AUG: High damage, A large clip, fast fire rate.

It's a godlike weapon with lots of SMG ammo
the crossbow (forgot the name): VERY HIGH DAMAGE, 1 bolt, medium reload. The snipers weapon as it has a scope. not good in swarms.
Tiny slug rifle: High damage, 2 slugs, medium reload. another accurate rifle. not the greatest weapon to have. personally
M16 (forgot the name

): High damage, medium fire rate and good accuracy. An assualt rifle. ammo is a BIG problem
hope you enjoyed that.