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This lass' got my brain twisted

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Aye din know howta read the lass, a kooky species she is.  I feel an attraction coming, but don't know if my gut has a reaction for me to listen to yet.

So a couple of weeks ago, I met this guy and girl in the place where most of my friends hang out.  They're both in the same math class, so they hang out together - or rather did.   This past Monday she was down in the dumps because she was lead on by this friend - who had fallen for somebody else, and began dating.  So that day, we're talking about things unrelated to that, the fact that she is, and I am AS WELL, ADHD/Aspergers only fueled more conversation until it drifted back to her upset, which lead me to bring in my own experiences and talked about that a little before going home. 

We wanted to hang out again - so, I picked the one day I didn't have classes to come in since I also wanted to be away from my computer and thus able to get some class work done.  We strike up conversation again - then she goes to class.  By now it is established that we both have the same disorders, and habitually, and intellectually have the same quirks and pet peeves.  Funny, eh?  So after her class, we hang out again and keep talking.  She had to go to a club meeting on campus, and wanted to cut it short so she could trundle across campus to get to where she needed to go. 

Fuck that, she decided not to go - and to stay and hang out with me [and said, "I'd rather hang out with you"].  Before long, the table we were sitting at was overrun with people who wanted to play some Magic the Gathering, so we trundled across campus a little - continued conversation finding out that we share a lot of the same likes in music, movies, etc - and the same dislikes about the modern mainstream music.  At this point we both realize, "Holy shit, this is like talking to an exact clone of me! This is awesome!"  :trollface: :trollface:

Sitting outside, we were both chilling our asses off, so we decide to go inside - to the building where her next class is.  We are hanging out, and talking some more - at this point, she is expressing some mild outward affection - as was I was in response... nothing much, things like she would rest her head on my shoulder, place her hand on mine, things like that.  The way she was looking at me, and how close physically to me she was I kinda noticed, but not that much because I was wrapped up in conversation, AND nervous as hell about all sorts of things.  As the hour drew closer and closer to her class' start, and that time passed further and further away, she stayed, we talked - I joked, she joked, we both laughed in response.  Eventually I DID have to go home though, at which we said our good-byes and she expressed interest in hanging out again.  [EDIT:Addendum] At this point, she left for class, or rather, what was left of it.  It was now 4:05 PM.  Her class started at 1 PM, and went until 5PM.  To her confession, she had never chosen to skip [most of a] class to hang out with ANYBODY before.   I asked when she was free, and found out - I have class from 8AM to 3PM tomorrow [and every Thursday], so I said "If I don't see you tomorrow, definitely Friday?"  Which she gladly accepted noting she gout out of class at noon.  NBD, my only class is from 10AM-11AM on Friday.

Part of me wonders if this is residual from her recouping from her feelings about the other person, a bit of attraction, or what I think it could be, a little of both?  What should I do from here, should I NOT do, how should I approach this?

Spoiler (click to show/hide) HALP?!?

If she's using you, she'll stop needing you agter awhile.
With that said, take things slow if you can.
If after awhile she's still expressing herself like that, then I'm pretty sure she likes you.

is she hot


--- Quote from: Travelsonic on October 26, 2011, 07:16:59 PM ---Aye din know howta read the lass, a kooky species she is.  I feel an attraction coming, but don't know if my gut has a reaction for me to listen to yet.

So a couple of weeks ago, I met this guy and girl in the place where most of my friends hang out.  They're both in the same math class, so they hang out together - or rather did.   This past Monday she was down in the dumps because she was lead on by this friend - who had fallen for somebody else, and began dating.  So that day, we're talking about things unrelated to that, the fact that she is, and I am AS WELL, ADHD/Aspergers only fueled more conversation until it drifted back to her upset, which lead me to bring in my own experiences and talked about that a little before going home. 

We wanted to hang out again - so, I picked the one day I didn't have classes to come in since I also wanted to be away from my computer and thus able to get some class work done.  We strike up conversation again - then she goes to class.  By now it is established that we both have the same disorders, and habitually, and intellectually have the same quirks and pet peeves.  Funny, eh?  So after her class, we hang out again and keep talking.  She had to go to a club meeting on campus, and wanted to cut it short so she could trundle across campus to get to where she needed to go. 

Fuck that, she decided not to go - and to stay and hang out with me [and said, "I'd rather hang out with you"].  Before long, the table we were sitting at was overrun with people who wanted to play some Magic the Gathering, so we trundled across campus a little - continued conversation finding out that we share a lot of the same likes in music, movies, etc - and the same dislikes about the modern mainstream music.  At this point we both realize, "Holy shit, this is like talking to an exact clone of me! This is awesome!"  :trollface: :trollface:

Sitting outside, we were both chilling our asses off, so we decide to go inside - to the building where her next class is.  We are hanging out, and talking some more - at this point, she is expressing some mild outward affection - as was I was in response... nothing much, things like she would rest her head on my shoulder, place her hand on mine, things like that.  The way she was looking at me, and how close physically to me she was I kinda noticed, but not that much because I was wrapped up in conversation, AND nervous as hell about all sorts of things.  As the hour drew closer and closer to her class' start, and that time passed further and further away, she stayed, we talked - I joked, she joked, we both laughed in response.  Eventually I DID have to go home though, at which we said our good-byes and she expressed interest in hanging out again.  I asked when she was free, and found out - I have class from 8AM to 3PM tomorrow [and every Thursday], so I said "If I don't see you tomorrow, definitely Friday?"  Which she gladly accepted noting she gout out of class at noon.  NBD, my only class is from 10AM-11AM on Friday.

Part of me wonders if this is residual from her recouping from her feelings about the other person, a bit of attraction, or what I think it could be, a little of both?  What should I do from here, should I NOT do, how should I approach this?

Spoiler (click to show/hide) HALP?!?
--- End quote ---

You found your mirror image. 1:1,000,000 chances for that to happen.

You work together: This is a benefit. You enjoy things she does and vice-versa, and not just that "Oh, yeah, I like that I guess."

She's a lady: Self Explanatory.

You can have a "heart-to-heart" conversation with her: Bonus 10 points.

Break up: She may be replacing the friend with you. Then again, she may very well have the hots for you. And then again, it could be both and then taper off into most likely the latter. That's a good thing if it does. And if it doesn't, what's stopping you from making you change your mind and realize that you're always the one you wanted? (silly joke asdf)

All in all I think you should listen to Ἆxule. But totally go for it.

Then again if she's a female counterpart of yourself, she most likely thinks like you do, which it may just so happen that the way you feel about her is the way she feels about you.

Which means you should totally go for it.

Did I mention At the point I left, she left for class, or rather, what was left of it.  It was, at that time, 4:05 PM.  Her class started at 1 PM, and went until 5PM.  To her confession, she had never chosen to skip [most of a] class to hang out with ANYBODY before.


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