Gmodpro2´s Regular Application In-Game-Name:☆The®®ox☆²º¹²™
Time online:1-5 Hours Per Day
Servers:Yes, I often play on random game servers:
Wire Build
Trouble Terrorist Town
Birthday:10th of September
Games (on Steam):Garrysmod
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:I Want To Be Regular because I am also, of course, but also because I like the sandbox servers in the server would also like to use all the tools.
Such as Advanced duplycator, Hoverboard tools and more.
I love your server, and matters such as the zombie mod.
I really very much fun and I just want to be a real part of it.
That would be just plain cool if I had something and can use
many tools on the server as on the build server.
I am active and I respect others.
Contributions to RND:Yeah,honestly I have yet to contribute to the RND.
I do not know if it counts but I'll write the answer to many issues if you want.
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the
I hope you allow me this.