Author Topic: My Short Rage Review  (Read 49 times)

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My Short Rage Review
« on: October 24, 2011, 01:10:12 AM »
RAGE: A FPS that takes place in a post-apoctalyptic world after a meteor crashes into Earth.

+Open World
+Pretty Fun
+Lots of different ammo types
+Lots o' Quests

-No character customization
-Only 13 locations, all which must be encountered at one point in the story line.
-No Realism (No day-night cycle, sleeping, eating, ect)
-Most items found in the world have no use but crafting or selling.
-Despite vehicles being a "big" part of the game, there are only 5 vehicles you can use.
-Single Player is EXTREMELY short. Beat it in a little over a day.
-Story is okay, but lacks a little creativeness.

Also, if you ever play it, don't play on easy difficulty. I beat the game dying only once. And that one time was required for the game. (No, you don't die in the end. Don't worry, I'm not gonna spoil anything important.)

Worth the money?