.:RND`=- sype3076`s Regular Application!Steam: sype3076
In-Game Names:
.:RND`=- sype3076
Time online:
Im on week days 4:30 or 5:00 to 9:00. On weekends When i wake up sometimes around 1 2 pm to 3 or 4:00
Zombie survival and Stronghold and wire build
Gamemodes:Surf Capture the flag Deathrun Pedo bear Garrysware Extreme football ultimate dodgeball
Games (on Steam):Left 4 dead 2
Garrys mod
Location:Illinois,Il USA
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:I want to be a regular to help vip`s with hackers and cheaters and also try to make people stop or if i have friend with vip i could invite them and tell them to votekick if they dont stop when i tell them to stop so like warn them. i should be a regular so i could help vip`s. also to help people out when they dont know what to do.
Contributions to RND:Well i didnt do anything but i would like to the future.
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:Email: alexgamemaster2@gmail.com
...well thats it
Thank you i hope i get itP.s if you got any other questions feel free to ask