1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234): # 702 "Darnell" STEAM_0:0:14073439 1:12:16 120 0 active,
# 749 "Video Bonus" STEAM_0:1:9546377 05:46 146 0 active
2. Players Nickname: Darnell, Video Bonus = RemonAids
3. Your in-game name: NoxiousBullet19
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival): RND TTT
5. Description of the event(s): He said im rdming while doing a report, i didn't get the 2 screenies but i got more. He didn't look at my karma, he just screaming and being a racist
6. Reason for ban: Target RDM, Racist ( i know its invalid ), Mass RDM
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):
I dont know if i got the correct Demo.
Dem file