I am respected(regular now) for the rANdOM servers.
In-game Name: .:RND=- Sgt. FtDLulz
Age: 14
Location: California
Servers that I play on most: Trouble in Terrorist Town,Zombie Survival
Application: I've been on the server for around 2 months and I love playing TTT.. I'm fair , never had a report against me, and I don't join in on things like LAST-ROUND Random Deathmatch. I don't play as much on ZM, but I play TTT alot.
I have only votekicked 1 or 2 people on the servers,and votebanned once. If more then 3/4ths of the server want someone votekicked/banned,I usually votekick/ban them.
Today I was playing TTT,and these guys named Susceptible and McCain (JBanned tag infront of both their names,by the way)
were RDMing when I came on. Someone named Elliot wanted me to votekick them,and then one comes behind me and kills me. After the round ended,he wasn't a traitor.
I am submitting this Application to (hopefully) become VIP,so I can stop minges.
I'm keel mingiez!

So,any admins,please vote