> -1'd by.......gamefreak
> gamefreak somehow feels he of all people is in a position to get on anyone's back for being intolerant
All I have to say on that matter.
> -1'd by Seb
No, Seb,
that is stupid. I'm in AP Psychology and just coincidentally my teacher happens to be gay and he told us and showed us multiple studies that showed Homosexuality is
not biological. There's absolutely nothing in the humane genome that, when generated, can either determine something as simple as "GAY or "NOT GAY". However, what does determine/influence sexual preference is specific
environmental subconscious stimuli.
Sure, someone doesn't just wake up and decide "Hey, I think I'm going to be gay today!", but instead gradually shifts and eventually makes up their mind. Plus, once someone has a certain sexual preference it's very possible to change their mind, especially in a case like this where someone "so-called hates being gay" and
wants a change.
Go ahead and -1 me some more if you want, but I'm just really tired of you acting like you know better than everyone else and you can just go around calling people stupid because they disagree with your apparent always-right opinions.