LOL most of the guys I know are scared or think spiders are fucking OMFG.
Just yesterday 6 of my friends who are all guys threw a football through a large spider web.. the spider got pissed. They did this cuz they hated the spider.
Well about 5 hours later or so, I came back outside to make sure mr. spider wasnt out to seek revenge to them. Well it turns out that he rebuilt his spiderweb and when i touched it, it was a lot stronger than what it was. His Last spiderweb, if you strum it, itll break. But now if you strum it, the whole web itself barely vibrates. He got mad that it got destroyed last time.
Whenever he sees people go by, he hides. Poor spider.
There are exceptions of cute spiders and NON cute spiders. Here are examples:
see this is adorable
this is NOT.