1 - InterfaceSo, I will simply assume now that you're quite new, or, at least, want to improve your knowledge of the most important aspect of TTT. Let me tell you, I want to cover as much as I can, and I'm trying to talk about everything - this doesn't mean that it's gonna cover 901% of everything from TTT and your knowledge will improve by one thousand. It won't. It will, though, most likely improve your general knowledge of everything. If you don't feel enlightened after reading this section, please don't hesitate to tell me what's wrong with it. I won't tell you to fuck off, I will go through it - BUT. It has to be constructive. OMGWTFN00B IS NOT HELPIN WTF REMOVE YOUR THE BIGGEST FAILURE OF LIFE is NOT constructive. "You could improve on <ddd> <what to improve>" would be constructive. Please, write like this, and I shall not ignore you.
Now, before we commence our hating, let's start with this.
1.a - HUD {Innocent}As the title suggests, I will cover the Innocent HUD here. Just take a look at the numbers on this screen, and take a look at the legend under it to see what is what. I tried to keep it simple, but still covering most of it. Traitor and Detective HUDs are below.

1 - this shows what team you are. If it shows INNOCENT, you are Innocent, if it shows DETECTIVE, you are detective, and so forth.
2 - the time limit.
Don't ask me what Haste Mode is, I really don't know. It's probably just a faster round than normal. Gamefreak explained to me that in Haste mode, you start with less time on your hands, but the time increases with every innocent the traitors kill.
3 - your health. If you lose health, other people will see you as "hurt", "wounded", "badly wounded" or "near death".
4 - this shows that the round started.
5 - a short explanation of what you are. In case you're traitor, this will show your allies, otherwise it will just tell you what to do.
6 - your weapon.
7 - the version of Trouble in Terrorist Town you're currently playing, not really important.
8 - the chat. Pay close attention to it, as most people use the chat to tell others who the traitor is. Don't fall for trolls though, unless someone dies right after saying someone is traitor, they're most likely not traitor.
There's nothing really important in the Innocent HUD. It shows basic information and everything that's necessary. Since we don't have anything more to say here, let's move on.
1.a HUD {Detective}
1 - your team. If it shows DETECTIVE, then you're the detective, if it shows INNOCENT, you're innocent, and so forth.
2 - the remaining time. If it runs out before all innocents and detectives are dead, the traitors lose the round.
3 - your HP bar. In case you lose health, other people start seeing you as "wounded", "hurt", "badly wounded" or "near death".
4 - an unidentified body. If you look at an identified body, it shows you the name of the person. To identify bodies, simply press USE (default key: e) on them.
5 - if your team (traitors & detectives only) gains credits, this bar will show it. It also says that you recieved your equipment in case you buy anything.
6 - all your weapons, the highlighted one is the one you're about to switch to.
7 - the special weapon. You can only carry one special weapon at a time. (Detective and Traitor weapons are considered "special weapons".
8 - your currently equipped weapon.
Same as before, there's nothing special you could do with the HUD here either. Watch out for messages in the top right corner, other than that, there's nothing to say here.
1.a HUD {Traitor}
1 - the team you're in. If it's TRAITOR, you're the traitor, if it's DETECTIVE, you're the detective, and so on.
2 - the HP bar. If it goes down, people start seeing you as "wounded", "badly wounded", "hurt" or "near death".
3 - current ammo/remaining ammo.
4 - this shows what you are and, usually, shows you your traitor buddies.
5 - all your weapons (shows the ammo on ranged weapons)
6 - your traitor weapon. You can only have one at a time.
7 - recently picked up weapons and ammo.
8 - important messages during the game - for example, that you received credits, weapons etc.
Same as with the Detective, there's nothing important here apart from the messages in the top right corner. Although it's even more important for the traitors to watch out for these messages.
1.b - Quickchat MenuThe Quickchat menu is this little cute menu, popping out as soon as you click the key bound to "+suit_zoom". I prefer to set this key to z or t, since it's an easily accessible key for all keyboards. Anyway, if you don't have this key bound to anything, go into Options -> Keyboard -> Suit Zoom. Since my key is T, I will always call it T onward.

1 - Yes.
2 - No.
3 - Help!
4 - I'm with Nobody. ~ Nobody gets replaced with a nearby player/the player you're looking at.
5 - I see Nobody. ~ Nobody is replaced by a player you can see.
6 - Nobody acts suspicious. ~ Nobody is, once again, replaced by a nearby player.
7 - Nobody is the traitor! ~ Nobody gets replaced by a player you can see/that is near you.
The Quickchat menu can be useful. It allows you to quickly say who you are with, who acts suspicious, etc. It's much faster than typing it out, and therefore, don't be afraid of using it - as long as you don't overdo it, no one will care. I won't go into trolling with the Quickchat menu ... yet.
I only got one real advice here: Use the "xxx is the traitor!" in combination with "Help!", otherwise no one will take you serious. Of course, most people don't bother reading the messages in the chat, but a few do. Very few. And, most importantly, don't believe the messages too much. Of course, if someone shouts "Derp is the traitor!" and then his body is found, go ahead and kill Derp. Most of the time though, people are just fooling around, spamming "xxx is the traitor!" at everyone.
I don't know why I gave this a seperate section ... I couldn't fit it anywhere, so meh. Deal with it.
1.c - Tab MenuAh, the tab menu. It gives away so many newb traitors. It's one of the tools the traitors need the most, since it gives them information on who's dead, who's missing, who's detective, who are the traitor buddies, etc.
TerroristsAll alive players, not including dead people and spectators. Player names that are coloured special (aka blue or red) are your traitor allies (red) or the detectives (blue). Innocents & Detectives only see Detectives in a colour, not traitors.
Confirmed DeadDead players whose bodies have been found & identified.
Missing in ActionThis list is not on the picture, and only visible by traitors. Bodies that have not been found yet are on this list until they're identified. Innocent and Detective players don't see this list, so DON'T tell anybody who's Missing in Action!
1.d - Special InterfacesDetectiveDead Bodies Menu{This section could also be considered for Innocents - there's no real difference between both menus.}

Alright, this is the menu you'll probably see the most while playing Trouble in Terrorist Town. Whenever you investigate a body/identify a body, this menu will pop up. Let me explain the Icons.
1 (ID) - Shows the name of the player.
2 (Team) - The team of the player - big T with red background if Traitor, big I with yellow background if Innocent, big D with blue background if Detective.
3 (Dead since ...) - How many seconds/minutes ago the player passed away. This isn't really that important, really.
4 (DNA) - When the DNA sample will decay. This can be important for detectives, but it's mostly not. Detectives can mostly just take DNA instantly.
5 (Killed with ...) - The weapon the person has been killed with.
6 (way of death) - Showing how the player died. There are various Icons, and if you click on it, it shows how they died (killed by a headshot, fell to death, suicided, etc)
Buy MenuThanks SabbathFreak for this section!
1. Body ArmorThe body armor is quite self explanatory, it gives you a bit more protection, but in most cases it doesn't determine whether you live or not.
NOTE: All detectives spawn with body armor automatically.
"Reduces bullet damage by 30% when you get hit."
- Passive effect item (not a weapon, always active/in use)
2. RadarThe radar allows you to see where everybody is on the map, and can be quite useful, because you can determine how many people are still alive, and how many people are MIA with this. The radar
doesn't show you everyone moving though, it only shows dots on the map where people are when the radar scans the map. The radar scans the map every 30 seconds.
"Allows you to scan for life signs."
- Active use item (not a weapon, always active/in use)
3. Health StationThe health station is self explanatory as well; it is used in a weapon slot, and when equiped, left click is used to deploy the health station, which gives players health when they press E on it (up to 100 HP per person of course). The health station also regenerates slowly, so it's not a good idea to destroy it after it has been drained.
"Allows people to heal when placed."
- Weapon (uses weapon slot, can only have one of these, or other special weapons at a time.)
4. UMP PrototypeThe UMP Prototype is a weapon which only the detective can purchase, it is a SMG which shoots bullets that do shock damage (electricity). Though the weapon sounds and looks powerful, it doesn't do a whole lot more damage than a Mac10, so it's usually a better idea to use your credits on a radar or health station. Of course, it depends on your situation. If you see the traitor but don't have a weapon, the UMP can be useful.
"Experimental SMG that disorients targets."
- Weapon (uses weapon slot, can only have one of these, or other special weapons at a time.)
5. DefuserThe defuser is a weapon which allows you to defuse/disarm a C4. It also helps you to find C4 by marking it when you are close to it. Obviously, it can become useful if you find C4 with time to
spare. Though, most often it's probably a better idea to run and use your credit on something else.
"Instantly defuse a C4 explosive."
-Weapon (uses weapon slot, can only have one of these, or other special weapons at a time.)
6. BinocularsBinoculars can sometimes be useful, though often people forget about it. The binoculars allow you to identify a body from a distance, so in some maps where there is a large fall, or maybe a part of the map inaccessible, where un-ID'd bodies sometimes lay, the binoculars could be useful.
"Zoom in on corpses and identify them from a long distance away."
-Weapon (uses weapon slot, can only have one of these, or other special weapons at a time.)
1.e Special InterfaceTraitorStill no pictures - I'm sorry about this and will do it if I remember it while playing. There isn't much of a special interface for traitors anyway.
The only big thing is the floating Ts above the heads of your traitor buddies and the "Missing in Action" section in the tab menu. Never tell people who's missing in action. Only you and your traitor buddies can see this. Don't be a fool.
Traitor Equipment
Traitors have, much like the Detectives, the abilty to buy a number of items over the context menu. As with the detectives, each item will cost them one credit, which they gain by killing the detective or by killing several innocent (if innocent die by "normal" means, you'll get credits anyway after a few died). Not much else to say, we'll get over by what you should buy when later on.
To open the buy menu, simply press the key bound to the context menu (default is C).
1. Body Armor: As the name implies, this Body Armour gives you an additional health bonus of 30%. This can be more important that you'd initially think - having 30% more health could mean dodging a HUGE from behind or a Mac10 up front. If you have spare credits, buy it. It's more useful than most of the other traitor items.
2. Radar: This little thing comes in handy when you're dealing with few innocents. It shows you the actual position of all innocents, detectives and traitors every 30 seconds. It isn't too useful when everyone's cramped up anyway, but in huge maps, you'll thank this little gem for its usefulness - at least I did. A lot.
It can also show you where people obviously ghosting are camping - generally, if someone doesn't move for a while, stay away.
3. Disguise: This is the one thing you'll need when using the sniper. It hides your name and health when people look at you, instead showing nothing. If someone does the "I'm with ..." thing, it'll show as "I'm with someone in disguise". Be careful not to run into these situations - I caught tons of traitors because they didn't look around before activating their disguise.
Still, being able to snipe people, then quickly go down a vent, turn up on the other side and act like nothing happened is something this'll enable you to do very easily.
Don't hold your sniper when going back to the people. Seriously.
4. Radio: This thing gives me mixed feelings - on one side, it can be very useful for faking a C4, but there's no real point why you shouldn't just plant a real C4. If you have better things to spend your credits on (which you'll most likely have), you're better off getting body armour, a knife, C4 - whatever. Just not the radio.
5. Knife: This is my weapon of choice. Walk up to a group of people, knife the detective, watch them shoot each other. If you do it right, all you need is one single knife and one deagle shot to win a TTT round. Of course, this is rather hard to do and I've only done it successfully a few times. But when it works, it's damn funny.
Alternatively, this is the silent weapon of your choice.
The only thing you'll need to keep in mind is that detectives can easily track you down using their DNA scanner. Burn the bodies, hang them somewhere or just throw them in the dumpster. Anything will do as long as you got enough time to kill the detective before he gets his DNA on you.
6. Flare gun: This weapon is good if you plan ahead.
It can quickly dispose of any knifed bodies or inflict 50 damage on a target (which is not affected by karma). Hitting moving targets is rather hard and burning bodies leaves a burn mark - be careful with this weapon.
7. Teleporter: I love this weapon. it doesn't find much love from people, but they just don't see its uses - especially in lost temple, you can simply set the location to the trap room, lure some people into wrong security, then teleport and activate the trap.
Alternatively, you can knife somebody, snipe someone else, then teleport away quickly and watch the confusion ensue. This weapon is a lot of fun when it's being used correctly. Unfortunately, luck often decides whether you'll be successfull or not - someone might JUST be at your teleport location while you're teleporting, which can be very frustrating.
Trust me.
It happens.
8. Silenced Pistol: This is a very good weapon on maps with low ammo/weapons.
Headshots are an almost-kill with good karma and one headshot + a body shot are usually enough to kill someone. It can shoot very fast, so if your aim is good you'll score some very easy kills this way.
But even this weapon has its downsides. It consumes ammo rather quickly and tages a while to reload.
Then again, it's a little pocket sniper.
9. C4: This weapon.
If you have 2+ credits and nothing else to buy, buy shittons of these and just spam them everywhere.
It creates a huge explosion killing everything near it and damaging everything away from it. This does include T buddies and the damage of the explosion is affected by karma. Also be aware that innocents and detectives can easily disarm a c4, but if you stay near it, you can just quickly kill them before they disarm it.
Lastly, don't forget that you see planted c4s and your distance to it on your screen by an icon of a c4.
10. Newton Launcher: This weapon is verrryyyy ... I don't know. It can be good on maps with hills or big drops, but barely any map has this to the point where it's useful to waste your credits on this rather than on a good equipment. The blast is not enough to kill/seriously injure players unless you make them drop hard, and this is a huge disadvantages for it.
Rather than getting this, you could just knife them in the face.
11. Poltergeist: This weapon.
In very cramped up rooms with lots of props and people inside, it's a killer.
But there are no rooms like that.
Not on one single map.
Don't waste your money on this weapon. It's mostly a fun gun.