Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

regular app - cloacked - PLEASE RESUBMIT

<< < (3/10) > >>

Lets give Cloacked a break guys. He is converting.

ped - devolve meu chip >:O:

13 yrs old: -
Barely uses English correctly: -
Can't spell "cloaked" (PART OF HIS NAME): srsly

Here, let me put it this way:
Can speak English properly: No.
Can function on a higher mental level than a prepubescent child: No.
Is able to write a proper application: No.
Has spelling skills: No.
Appears to have any education whatsoever: No.
Is not autistic: Maybe.

ped - devolve meu chip >:O:
hey >:(
dont mess up! >:(


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