Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
regular app - cloacked - PLEASE RESUBMIT
ped - devolve meu chip >:O:
hello ppl ive been waiting for the new ranking system!
soo here my info :
real life name: pedro lucas
in-game name: cloacked and dagged
age: 13
city: torres
country: brazil
state: rio grande do sul
steamid : i dont have a steam id cuz i use undead patch (an steam hack to play any source game)
EXP: about 2 months but my pc got broken ,search my topic of my pc guy
ive been playing a lot of ttt (trouble in terrorist town) some pll know me like ruben (adm) cake faic,gamefreak171 and other guys form ws (winter survival)
i like this forum and the in-game servers!
someday i will donate im getting money from
some ppl know me because a rdm 2 traitors! :O they get on my front ahhhh and i was playing with my knife on the spike room and another go on a trap and he was talking soo i didnĀ“t see the ''t'' icon on his head so i activated the trap acidentaly i want to restart like i being new and all forget about this rdm round sry about the traitors! my pc is fixed tomorrow see ya guys on ttt or ws server :D
ped - devolve meu chip >:O:
oh and i want to be regular because i want to be know on random servers and restart especially with cake faic resuming new ppl! (friends)
Yeah I know you, but you're a sack of minge shit. :gtfo:
Not just that, but for the love of god Lrn2gramr. And English.
ped - devolve meu chip >:O:
i dint know you hate my like that wow :idk:
sry man but im doing what i can!
What can I say. Knowing u as a forum user. Plz be a tiny be nicer.
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