1. Player's SteamID
Kavo - Thizzla I was unable to get his ID for some reason but I got his steam profile :
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kavo-Thizzla2. Players Nickname
Kavo-Thizzla and here are his other names:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kavo-Thizzla/namehistory3. Your in-game name
F.P.S Russian
4. Server name
5. Description of the event(s)
After the round started the pool became electrocuted by a person dropping the radio into it, straight away Kavo grabbed a office chair and started pushing people in we are talking about all people. Detectives, innos and T's were all victims of his sick twisted prop pushing fetish.
White House:
The round started we started to play Kavo ran to the wall grabbed a painting then made the elevator go down. After those actions he started to try to force the prop into the elevator barrier which started to mass lag the server. Everyone told him to stop but he continued to carry on after the first round he did it again, as soon as I said I am going to report this he quickly logged off. For some reason I was unable to copy his Steam ID sorry guys but I hope his profile is of help.
After some time he returned to the game and this time he decided to prop surf to a top of a unreachable building. Which is clearly against the rules because it would be a very very hard challenge to kill him for other players. So he was taking advantage of such a situation that was not fair to others.
Names of innocent people being used to brake the rules:
After all these things being witnessed and being unable to get his steam ID I decided to check his Steam Profile, he used several names of several other players. That is when it became clear as to why people were falsely accused sometimes in reports. The names can be seen in the link provided with the screenshots.
6. Reason for ban
mass prop rdm, prop surfing to unreachable places, prop spam glitching the server to a point of a mass lag twice after he was warned the 1st time, using other peoples names to get innocent people banned.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
Prop mass rdm on Terror Office using the electrified pool as weapon for his sick needs even when we told him to cut it out :
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044368658/screenshot/576684312239870588?tab=publicScreen shot of him prop forcing the elevator on the White House map which almost made the server crashed:
*1st time and 1st warning not to do it.
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044368658/screenshot/576684312242092162?tab=public*2nd time after being told clearly to stop and not to do it he did it again not giving a care in the world about other players.
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044368658/screenshot/576684312242114851?tab=publicScreen shot of Kavo deciding to reach the unreachable point of the map to camp by prop surfing on the Rooptops map. We told him not to do it but he went ahead with it and continued:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044368658/screenshot/576684312239913150?tab=publicScreen shot of Kavo using innocent peoples names and getting them in trouble:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044368658/screenshot/576684312250035154?tab=publicHere is a link to the list of innocent people's names he used to brake rules and making it look like that they broke the rules:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kavo-Thizzla/namehistoryAnyway I did my best and I hope this can finally be dealth with the level of disrespect he shows towards the server is appauling.
KGB approved