Author Topic: 10/07/11 Application: Axule  (Read 187 times)

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10/07/11 Application: Axule
« on: October 07, 2011, 02:42:00 PM »
Axule's VIP Application

Personal Information

Name: Nathaniel Finley
Age 15
Birthdate: December 05, 1995
Location: Ewa Beach, Hawaii
Interests: Right now, I'm really interested in Psychology. I plan on being a Psychologist because I've always felt a sense of pride whenever I helped a friend out. I just like knowing I made someone's life easier by letting them understand things they might be missing and such. I'm also interested Astronomy (I love how beautiful the sky is and I'm always excited about things related to space), Engineering (I've always loved building things as a child. Lego's were my best friends at one point), and Soccer (I've played soccer for probably half my life and I've even started refereeing it).
Jobs: As stated above, I'm a referee for soccer. I've refereed for about 4-5 years, and I've been lucky enough to referee in in State Championships in Oklahoma, and a few tournaments in Hawaii.

Basic Information

Time Zone: GMT -9
In RND since: I started playing around February and March and joined the forums on April.
Times online: Depends. If it's summer, I'll probably be on for most of the day and night. If it's during school, I'll be on from 5:00PM to 9:00Pm (depending on whether I procrastinate or not).
Long before I actually joined the community, I didn't follow the rules as much. Around when I first started playing, someone had told me about karma farming, and once I did it and got away with it, I kept doing it, even after I was kicked again and again. I quit because I saw how annoying it was being in game watching players karma farm. It's irritating as all get out becasue it's not fair they get their karma back up by doing nothing while we work. So that was the end of karma farming.
Another thing I did was kill afkers. It was sort of like gambling to me, betting whether he's a Traitor or not, taking the chance of either gaining some precious karma or losing it all. Ofcourse, I quit that because I realised it was just making me work for my karma longer than it needed to be.


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Steam Information

Steam Name:
I go by Axule right now.
I have gone by these names before though:
-Irish Might
-The Traitors Win!
-Mysterious Stranger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35907515
Link to Steam Profile:

The Appeal

  • Trouble in Terrorist Town.
Why I would like to be VIP: Though I used to make reports quite often, it never meant I liked them. I just feel it's easier to help the server out than having to make the reports. Plus, I don't always get all the proof that I see, which is annoying sometimes for the reports.

Why I should be VIP: I've always been a level headed dude when it came to playing. I've never lost it when I would get rdm'd or things of the like. I've always asked why the player did what they did, and if they come out with nothing, I would simply warn them not to do it again and to be careful. If an incident were to happen between to players, I would get both sides of the story as well as other players who are willing to help give information. The most important though is my responsibility.

Why I shouldn't be VIP: I've messed up before in the past. After awhile when I first started playing on RND, I began ghosting, but I realised that it was defeating the whole purpose of the game and quickly quit after that. Also, probably the biggest reason, is because of something that had happened on Deacon's Minecraft Server. Long story short, I found an exploit and abused it. At the time I was just excited by the idea, but later I found out that what I had done was a bigger deal than I thought. I've regreted it ever since. I know it will be a very long while if I'm lucky enough to ever have Deacon's trust again, as well as most of the people from his server. I've changed since then, and with becoming a Regular, I've felt a sense of responsibility to the server I haven't quite experienced before.
One thing I may need to work on though is controlling myself with karma abusers. Last night in fact, I wasn't able to sleep so I began playing TTT when there were a few karma bug abusers. Luckily, Jim and Sheeps were there, but I noticed that I was wanting to act on them more quickly than Jim. I guess the main reason was because I had asked the karma abusers to quit, and they hadn't. Jim probably wasn't there to see it, so I got a little irritated, but Jim had it under control before I left.

Situations: When it comes to someone not following the rules, no matter what mood I was in before, I instantly become serious. Here are some things I would do if when the situation occurs:
  • Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT: Even though this doesn't happen very often, when it does, it can be hard at times finding out if it was an accident or not. To me, the real reason it's hard is because it doesn't seem very fair to leave the player with a warning if they're suspected of doing it on purpose, so you have to be 100% that the decision you make is the right one. This sort of situation, I would learn both sides of the story, as well as noting the behaviours of the involved players before the event occured. If I honestly believe it was on purpose, I would give a 1d ban. If it turns out it was just an accident, I would let the player go off with a warning and I would watch that player more carefully further on in the future.
  • RDMing the detective as an innocent: Unless I was there to see the situation take place to see whether or not it was an accident, I would ask the players what they say, and if none were there, I would base my decision off of how the innocent acted before as well as as their surroundings (T fight, barrels, something to shoot at, etc.). Depending on what they did, the kick/ban can differ, but majority of the time I would ban the innocent for around 30min or less.
  • Someone is glitching (not spawned on glitch, TTT and Flood): I'm always seeing this happen when I play. When I first spot a glitcher, I would ask the player to quit glitching. If they refuse, I would simply kick them. If they came back and glitched again, I would give them a days ban. Simple.
  • Someone is using a name changer: I've never been in this kind of situation, so I'll need help on what to do with this.
  • Someone is using an aimbot: The first moment someone calls out an aimbot, I would immediatley spectate the called out player. While recording it all with a demo, I will make my decision and either ban the player for a day or leave him be. Either way, I would report the demo I recorded and let the admins decide the players fate.
  • Someone is using speedhacks: Once I see the hacker or someone starts complaining, I would most likely suicide, spectate, and record with a demo. After I recieved enough proof to report, I would ban for a day and make up the report and post it up, letting the admins perma ban him/her.
  • Someone is constantly disrespecting other people: This is a big problem for me. I don't like it at all when people are making fun of kids and are just being a total jerk. It ruins the whole purpose of playing games. It also makes our servers look bad when we let a lot of it slide. Ofcourse, I can tolerate most of it, but if it starts interuppting the game, or just gets to out of hand, I would ask the disrespecter to quit and tell the victim to mute the disrepector if it's all through voice. If the disrespector continues to do so even after asking, I would kick the player. If he returns and continues, I would give a days ban. Anything beyond that I would ban for a week and make a report along with it.

*If you disagree with one my procedures or you believe I should change it, just post it in the reply or pm. I am up for any suggestions for these. Please don't hold back if you want to say something about this.

Contributions to RND: I haven't contributed to the server much at all. I do plan to though once I find a topic that hasn't been covered already to make a guide on.

Things done in game: Just helping out in TTT.

Contact Information
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Thank You!

-Thank You to Deacon for helping me outlining my application : )
-Thank You Don for giving me advice on what to do for my application ; )
-Special thanks to Tom for posting this up for me!
And ofcourse, Thank You for taking your time to read through this.

I know in my last application, I said I wasn't planning on staying because of school and all, but for whatever reason, I still seem to be playing almost as much as before. Even if I end up not playing as much in the future as I hope, I can still help out when I join or when I'm called for help. I can always be demoted for inactivity.

 :thumbsup: from me. Hes is a nice play no reason why not to give him it back

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Re: 10/07/11 Application: Axule
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2011, 02:50:17 PM »
Mind clearing up why you still play under several aliases?
Whenever I see you on with The Traitors Win!, you have <300 karma. You aren't new to TTT....and this concerns me.

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Re: 10/07/11 Application: Axule
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 02:58:43 PM »
Again, though he's been in the community a short time, I really do think Axule would be a great VIP.
He has common sense, knows the rules very well and everything else needed as VIP.

I'm lazy, sorry.

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Re: 10/07/11 Application: Axule
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2011, 03:08:22 PM »
Mind clearing up why you still play under several aliases?
Whenever I see you on with The Traitors Win!, you have <300 karma. You aren't new to TTT....and this concerns me.

> I have 112 Karma

Not saying anything towards or against the application, but karma doesn't really mean anything considering how harsh the stupid system is.


Yes, I am that butthurt. :l

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Re: 10/07/11 Application: Axule
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 07:56:34 AM »
Pretty much the same reasons that I have said in his previous applications, he's friendly, helpful and knows the rules pretty well.

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Re: 10/07/11 Application: Axule
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2011, 05:43:09 AM »
Again, though he's been in the community a short time, I really do think Axule would be a great VIP.
He has common sense, knows the rules very well and everything else needed as VIP.

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Re: 10/07/11 Application: Axule
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2011, 08:19:46 AM »