Ever played a round and someone was breaking the rules? Ofcourse you have, but the real question is did you know what to do? This Guide will help you learn how to get the proof, modify it, and upload it to a report. I'll explain how I do it my way, but if you feel you'd like to do something a little different, go for it. There are plenty of ways to do this.
Catching the Player:
Depending on the incident, you can get the proof in different ways. I'll be explaining ways related to TTT since that is the server I regularly play on. Basically though, there are two ways to gather proof, either by screen shotting the evicence or recording it.
Screen Shotting:
protip, type jpeg_quality 100 in console and just use f5
original resolution and quality, SO much better when you have to read a console log. I only say that because it's not very fun finding your 3 pictures of X guy minging having to go through your other 30 TF2 screen shots. Just my preference.
***Reading through this, gamefreak made me realize something. In my eyes, there seems to be two ways to get the proof via SS's. The quick way (useful when you're trying to get the proof up as soon as possible so a VIP may votekick/voteban the said player) and the fancy way (If you want to make the Admin's and viewers life's easier. It also makes you look very artistic

). If you want to just make a quick report, I would use the first way I taught, through Steam. However, if you want to make it look fancy, instead of modifying it from the Steam picture, modify it from GMod's picture (f5) since you're going to be uploading it via Imageshack or something anyways. Now, remember this as you read through the report.
For me, I take a screen shot via Steam, not through Garry's Mod. The reason is because in my opinion, it's quicker. You'll understand later.
To find out what button is binded to take screenshot, simply open up the Steam Overlay (Shift + Tab) and look at the screenshots part. It should tell you what button to press to take the shot.

Once you've figued out what button to click, click it! Take a screenshot(s) of whatever evidence you have. Once you've done that, open up the Steam Overlay again and click "view screenshots". select the shot's you've taken and upload them. Once they've finished uploading, click the "View Online Library". This will take you to the pictures you've just taken. I reccomend copying the link from the address bar and paste it back on your internet browser.

Remember when I said it's easier to take the picture through Steam rather than Garry's Mod? This is why. when you click "View Full Size", simply copy the address from the window that pops up and you're basically done. With Garry's Mod, you have to upload the image with a site such as imageshack. After you've copied the link, all you have to do now is paste the address in your report and add the image code and you're done! Simple as that!

If you want to make your report fancy however, you can go a little further with modifying your image. I use Paint (Start>All Programs>Accessories>Paint). All you do is whenever you're viewing the full size of the image, save the image. Open up Paint and open the image. Choose the selection tool, outline the specific section you want, and copy it. Start a new thing (ctrl+N) and paste the image. You can figure out how to modify different ways by playing with it a bit. Be Creative!

However, if you choose to modify your image, you'll have to upload it with a website like or something (What I use). Browse for your image, begin uploading it, and once it's finished, copy the "forum code". You can then paste that into your report and you're done. If you don't like the links that come with the code, you can erase all of the last line, and you can also erase the
"URL=" from there as well.
That's it! You're done with the picture!
When I first started reporting, I was intimidated of recording. Using fraps, my computer would lag like hell, and I just wasn't aware of any other way. That is, until I came upon Cable's guide to recording a demo.
Man, did this help. Be sure to thumbs up Cable for his work ; )
I believe you can take this file and upload it via YouTube, but I've never tried, so I'm not positive. Feel free to see though!demos simply record serverside actions/events that occur in the server (if person one turns left, explosion occuring at tick 10169, etc.)
you cannot directly upload it to youtube until you render it into an avi/mpeg
and then you upload such video file
but it is more time consuming to go through that process than simply uploading the demo to a site
(but an embedded youtube video is much more convenient)
Thanks for helping Alkaline ; )
The Report:
The report is pretty simple.
Here is the format:
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
2. Players Nickname
3. Your in-game name
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
5. Description of the event(s)
6. Reason for ban
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
NOTICE!If you do not follow all of the instructions below, your report is subject to deletion without notification. - Coolz
Keep the unnecessary posts to a minimum here. - Sanders
If you're not sure what proof you need, check out Deacon's guide.
It'll basically tell you what commands to type in console to get certain types of information that will be VITAL to your report.
It also touches up a little more on the requirements if you're not sure on that.
Be sure to also give Deacon a thumbs up for his work!
Hope this helps! Cheers!