Author Topic: Rules Regarding TTT Ban Reports  (Read 445 times)

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Rules Regarding TTT Ban Reports
« on: October 06, 2011, 05:08:18 PM »
TTT Ban Reports

Things to know:

Since we have some semi-setup regarding who takes care of what reports, this makes our lives easier and will cause reports to be taken care of quicker. Please do this.
(What's meant: i.e you report a hacker, include [HACKER] in your topic title)

  • PLEASE DO NOT REPORT PEOPLE FOR JUST RDMING YOU...DO IT ONLY IF THEY DO IT MULTIPLE TIMES, If I see a thread that displays a reason that is about 1 RDM, I'm removing the thread with no warning!
  • Please don't just post a screenshot of the status page or chat log... I want to also see the damage log and also if you can a Demo or video of the person doing it.

-Thx Axule
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Revenge/Target RDM
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« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 12:34:26 PM by DoeniDon »

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Re: Rules Regarding TTT Ban Reports
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 10:07:18 PM »

When providing the Damagelogs to your report, don't copy and paste. Take a Screen Shot (SS) of it and post it. This will prevent people "tampering" with the evidence to frame someone.

Also, along with the above statement, when you take a SS of the Damagelogs, Make sure you include:
- The beginning of the Damagelogs. This will assure the Admins there wasn't something before the incident that could have possibly caused it.

*Though it isn't required, highlighting the event can make the Admin's life a little bit easier
*You arn't required to include the full damagelog (meaning from beginning to end). As long as you include the beginning and references between SS's, then it's acceptable.

**Notice how at the top of new SS, it shows the previous highlighted text

Revenge/Target RDM

If you're reporting someone of revenge/target rdm, you must provide evidence of previous events that could support your claim.
-Saying they were going to kill the victim next round, fights/arguements, etc.
Feel free to modify it to your liking Tomcat.

Also, if you would like me to get examples for everything, just ask.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 10:31:04 PM by Axule »

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Re: Rules Regarding TTT Ban Reports
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2011, 08:30:22 AM »
Question:  What if it is a post regarding being RDM'd as a T with no evidence to support the decision to kill, and a long winded argument afterwards about the merits of the kill including the killer shifting the reasoning for the kill continually after each previous reason was debunked?
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Re: Rules Regarding TTT Ban Reports
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2011, 10:40:58 AM »
Question:  What if it is a post regarding being RDM'd as a T with no evidence to support the decision to kill, and a long winded argument afterwards about the merits of the kill including the killer shifting the reasoning for the kill continually after each previous reason was debunked?

If there was no evidence then there will be no ban and a auto remove would take place

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Re: Rules Regarding TTT Ban Reports
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2011, 04:36:17 AM »
If there was no evidence then there will be no ban and a auto remove would take place
I meant, since re-reading it, I don't know what the fuck I was on when I wrote it, say I was first blood RDM'd [that is, I'm T, made no moves, and was killed by someone], the guy had no proof, and when confronted kept making up reasons that were debunked by actual eyewitnesses, in game actions.
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Re: Rules Regarding TTT Ban Reports
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2011, 03:31:10 PM »

If you want to accuse players of ghosting, you'll need more than one screenshot of said player rdming you.
For any report on ghosting to be even looked at, you'll need a few more screen shots (and even .dem!)

1. Friends List
The first thing that will really help you is a screen shot of their friends list. If you are able to find out who the two players ghosting are, you can check their friends list and see if they're added. This does not mean that the players aren't ghosting if they don't happen to be friends! That just simply means that they're communicating through a different source. If you are unable to get this proof, you can still catch them ghosting.

2. Damage logs
Obviously you need screen shots, but like I said before, one Screen shot isn't going to do much. In my opinion, three screen shots of the damage logs  showing they rdm'd would be perfect. This can be any combination of the players rdming.

For example, player and x and y are ghosting. x rdm's you once, while y rdm's another player the two other times.

If you can catch the damage logs of each event above (x's one rdm and y's two rdm's), I believe that it's good enough to get them banned.

3.Additional Proof
If you can catch any other proof such as the players being complete trolls, hating and disrespecting other players, or whatever else you think may help, post it. It may not help at all or it may help tremendously. All depends on how the Admin see's it.

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Re: Rules Regarding TTT Ban Reports
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2012, 12:33:33 PM »
updated some stuff, added something about topic titles.

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Re: Rules Regarding TTT Ban Reports
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2012, 08:53:56 AM »
One note: Can we PLEASE distinguish between somebody having NO proof at all, insufficient proof, and good proof?  It just bugs me that people go "no proof" when somebody posts something with proof that in of itself is insufficient, but can be coupled with more proof to be useful, since that isn't NO proof at all, just, NOT ENOUGH.
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