Author Topic: For what the word 'null' implies, this event was anything but zero or undefined.  (Read 107 times)

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I sort of didn't want to report this, because as you can see in the dem, these trolls actually helped me have a few very successful traitor rounds. Instead of pissing me off, I actually had more fun :D However they did break the rules, a lot... And people are/were confused and think I did naughty things. So I'm setting the record straight.

1. Player's SteamID
Five null's total, not including me.

(This one is reversed because he used a special symbol.  it is STEAM_0:1:41997634)
# 158 "‮null" STEAM_0:1:41997634 19:54 248 0 active

# 163 "(1)null" STEAM_0:0:36582156 09:34 229 0 active <--- This one is Peas, whom I made a report about here,8876.msg127146.htm
# 160 "Šnull" STEAM_0:0:26233583 17:07 232 0 active
# 165 "(2)null" STEAM_0:1:25916517 09:10 99 0 active
# 90 "null" STEAM_0:1:4939948  3:09:46 144 0 active <-- This one is me, the real null. The good guy. The one with 1000 karma. The guy who didn't do anything wrong.

(another reversed. STEAM_0:1:27050682)
# 168 "‮ null" STEAM_0:1:27050682 06:01 235 0 active

2. Players Nickname
They changed them a few times, but they were all some variant of 'null'.

3. Your in-game name

4. Server name
Trouble in Terrorist Town

5. Description of the event(s)
Mkay. Well basically, these guys came in and started impersonating me. And they RDM'd a lot. For like 4 maps (i think, may have been more).
Many people can verify this. Also, a lot of chat spam.

6. Reason for ban
Impersonating someone as high profile and amazing as me. 8) And rdming.

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
For the demo, You can ff to tick 10000 and open the console to see the printout from the 'status' command.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 09:19:11 PM by null »

Offline Apie2

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They rdm and change there names....

Offline Sabb

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I was there, I didn't see all the nulls but I saw one that was being a minge, looked at the profiles all their aliases had null. They caused a lot of trouble.

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Offline Dark Pacifist

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If I see this later I'll support.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 03:30:06 AM by Dark Pacifist »
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