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[Server] ** Arcoyle ( STEAM_0:1:25999997 ) has joined the server! **
(Guest) mrboom: hi
(Reg) Arcoyle: shut up
Player has joined the game
(Guest) mrboom: hi
(Reg) Arcoyle: oh god tech.... WHY
(Reg) Arcoyle: you like fucking god from Dogma...
(Reg) Arcoyle: when she comes out of the church
(Reg) Arcoyle: theres a tv here
(Reg) Arcoyle: oh shit its the tire!
(Reg) Arcoyle: i could just imagine the goodyear tire dude going around raping and murdering people
(Reg) Arcoyle: no, i take that back
(Reg) Arcoyle: i cant
(Guest) mrboom: lol
(Guest) mrboom: TIRE RAEP
(Reg) Arcoyle: shut the fuck up boom i want your opinion ill ask for it
(Guest) mrboom: fuck u
(Reg) Dark Byte: umadmrboom
(Reg) Dark Byte: he mad
(Guest) mrboom: fagola
(Reg) Arcoyle: did I fucking say you could speak, bitch?
(Reg) Arcoyle: if i wanted my own comeback id have wiped it off your mother's chin
(Guest) mrboom: WUT U GUNNA DO?
(Guest) mrboom: bitch?
(Reg) Arcoyle: Well, first I'll get a tissue, then ill wipe if from your mother's chin
(Reg) Arcoyle: oh im sorry, were you talking about yourself?
(Reg) Arcoyle: in that case, im gonna need more tissues
(Guest) mrboom: oh so its bitching then?
(Reg) Arcoyle: half for your tears
(Reg) Arcoyle: and half for mine, cause im laughing so hard
(Guest) mrboom: i'm not argueing with those half-ass puns
(Guest) mrboom: im geussing your a eight year old
(Reg) Arcoyle: lol bitch, glad you will stop talking then
(Reg) Dark Byte: lol
(Reg) Arcoyle: my goal is to get you to shut up anyway
(Reg) Arcoyle: Plan: success
(Guest) mrboom: 8 year olds shouldn't be playing this game
(Reg) Arcoyle: I agree, also: isnt it your bedtime?
(Reg) Arcoyle: also, im 9 years old
(Guest) mrboom: wow
(Reg) Arcoyle: indeed, a whole year off
(Reg) Arcoyle: you should be ashamed
(Guest) mrboom: a nine year old that can spell THAt good?!?!'
(Reg) Arcoyle: so tell me boom, how does it feel to be outwitted... Byte i lost count how many times? - by a 9 year old
(TEAM) (Reg) Dark Byte: LOL
(Guest) mrboom: so tell me faggot train, if i should anwser a nine-year old?
(Reg) Dark Byte: You just got trolled by a 9 year old, can you believe that crap?
(Reg) Arcoyle: you shouldnt answer
(Reg) Arcoyle: you should just shut the fuck up
(Reg) Arcoyle: kindly

(Guest) mrboom: alot of smack for a nine-year old
(Reg) Arcoyle: yup, thats how we roll
(Reg) Arcoyle: us 9 year olds
Player mrboom left the game (Disconnect by user.)
[Server] ** mrboom ( STEAM_0:0:26580113 ) has left the server! **
(Reg) Dark Byte: LOL
(Reg) Dark Byte: LMAO
(Reg) Dark Byte: he is probably butthurt and crying
(Reg) Arcoyle: LOL
(Reg) Arcoyle: oh i had so much fun there
(Reg) Arcoyle: i should keep chat record of that and post on forums
Beginning is me talking, end is me being an asshole. I think I win quickest rage quit award?