Now I miss being a kid and everyone was singing the fucking popular songs every time at school and putting poop jokes in it, and watching/talking about all those fucking cartoons and shit last night, Playing Manhunt and shit, and being generally stupid :p
The world was like
Green Grass, Blue Sky, Fresh, Cool Air and a Gentle wind. Birds Chirping as cars in the distance speed by. The Warm, Bright Sun every day. 90s were fun for me, at least.
It was almost like the last, untainted, Emerging Cultural Staple decade to grow up in. 80's were bleeding in somewhat still, Cartoons weren't CGI yet, Music was all, "Okay, we can Rap, Sing, Sing in Hamony, Play on a Synth, Strum on an Acoustic Guitar, Drum Solo, Rock out, or just AC". All these movements were going on, Cold War ended in 1991, people still read newspapers and the Internet wasn't so diverse and/or Internet Tough Guy wasn't Anon, and could kick your ass if he wanted to TODAY. The Space Shuttle was all the rage and I WANTED TO FLY ONE WHEN I GREW UP

. And Space was even all the fucking "OMG LOOK AT THAT! SPACE IS AWESOMMME"
Not saying anyone else born later would be teh suck. But, you guys have JUSTIN BIEBER and REBECCA BLACK in your childhood now :<
Plus you missed the beginning of the console wars, and when Cds & Floppy Disks were fucking awesome and in mainstream use (Floppy was just potent enough in my childhood, Ear-worm songs by Later Head-shaving Pop Divas and Boy bands were all over the radio -and so were catchy advertisements that would plague us until grade 6, the radio still had an Antenna, "GANGSTERRR" people wearing baggy pants and singing HEY MUST BE THE MONAYY every day... and like fucking VH1 with it's POP UP VIDEO that my sister forced me to watch every time it came on because I was squirming to GTFO and play Black and White 2asdf) faded out by 2002 for me officially, everyone was all AOL CD ASDSDASD CD GAEMS WOOOOOO, and Internet Flash games were mostly amateur & crappy but addicting.
Hell, flash was so... legitimately a Flash. A Gif. A silly Gif like the Dancing Baby. Every site. Bordered Tables and Hyperlinks everywhere. Computer booting up and messing around with Windows DOS, then eventually learning it before stupid OS upgraded later on. Shit, lol.
And everyone was
hyped for Cheat codes (Rather than "Hey, cheat codes. Heh"), and you and your friends used to find them and write them down and go over to eachother's houses and LOL ALL DAY even though the cheat code was like Changing a Colour or something.
And phones were like, fucking. The 2G models. The mid-era being the 'GreenScreen' Calculator Face and the simplistic games like Tetris and Snake. Oh and the fucking Ringtones. I will never forget those. Anyone who had one tormented me with those. "WANNA PLAY ON MY PHONE? IT'S SO NEATO- OH HEY LOOK WHAT IT CAN DO!"
Then again, TI Nspire Graphing Calculators, Iphones, Laptops, 360, WII, PS3, That new PSHHD that I forgot the name of, Youtube, the evolved Internet in General, and merging of Ethic Cultures and Societies and Minorities with Majorities being more frequent probably is a good place to have been/be. Plus, you're lucky you missed MOST of the shitty parts back then. Like Grade 13. That scared the fuck out of me because my Mother and my Brother both did it. I hated school (lol) and didn't want to do another fucking year of it. I didn't realize there was college/University after too until my sister turned 17 and was talking about it constantly.
But that's just being a Generation. Every Generation claims theirs was the bestest evar. Might be on some stages, but it's not always right, It's only because we/they miss our childhood :u Most likely that Era for them was the BEES KNEES1920asdf; plus, every Generation had/has something awesome. Even Stone-age dudebros. They eventually got like Skins to wear and Big, heavy clubs and Sharp rocks tied to sticks to hunt with.I remember always thinking about the things I experienced 2+3 years later each time, always tracking and thinking about them. Like my Nightmares. And fun times. Then I even started writing them down.
Now the world is like

except "20% COOLER"