I believe you are lieing about your age. i have heard you before on your microphone and you are much younger than 19 UNLESS you are someone else i have mistaken for. Otherwise you are a frequent player on TTT and a good player so 
Lol I swear to you I'm 19 birthdate is February 5th 1992, already graduated with my High school degree. And I really must wonder, what would I gain from lying about my age? I see no point in telling you a false age, would I gain some form of respect?
( If required by admin or administrator of this board I will happily disclose any personal identification to prevent further confusion, but until said request has been issued I feel this matter may be best left to trust and not frivolous wasting of my own or the administrators time )O.o also I think you might have me confused with someone, I frequent the Zombie survival servers offered here. I'm still quite new to TTT.