.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Guides

How to earn so much forum respect it flows out your ass! With pictures!

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Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: Goat on September 24, 2011, 07:16:05 PM ---Can we get an admin in here before this gets bad?

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You can use the notify button to warn an admin.

» Magic «:
people +1 and -1 based on their opinion of the post, there should be no rule to it ;_;


--- Quote from: » Magic « on September 25, 2011, 05:07:34 AM ---people +1 and -1 based on their opinion of the post, there should be no rule to it ;_;

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But disrespecting everyone because he got reg.

I swear Toast is finding old posts of mine and -1ing them

EDIT: Yeah he just -1ed every post I've made since I was unbanned

EDIT\/\/\/:Looks like he decied to just find my old posts and -1 them


--- Quote from: » Magic « on September 25, 2011, 05:07:34 AM ---people +1 and -1 based on their opinion of the post, there should be no rule to it ;_;

--- End quote ---
Do you not see the problem in this thread?
We shouldn't even have to explain it... but anyways. About the +1 and -1 based on opinion of post blah blah, that's not what you said when you gave me a warning level a while ago. Not that I care, but I think you should make up your mind.


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