Azi's Regular Application!Steam: Azi_svk
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:21464188
In-Game Name:Azi
Time online: Anytime from 14 to 20 GMT (Yes, I am european)
Servers: Mostly TTT
Very rarely Fretta and Stranded
Age: 16
Birthday:16th March
Games (on Steam):Um. Pingazpingazpingazpingaz.
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:I'm around here for some time already (stalking) and i'd like to become a member of this community. I am a calm guy, sometimes a bit too much "srs bsns". I want to help you out with your VIP stuff. Reports/applications and so on. Also, thank you for those good laughs in the Video section, that shit is golden. Well, that's about it.
Contributions to RND:My contributions are little to none, i'd say. I try to help out here and there, if I can. I am stalking more than writting.
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following: (Steam is probably useless with me, but try it anyways)
Skype: Might32 or you can try the forum messages.
Well thanks for reading this. If you got this far, here, have a cake. 
(Shamelessly stolen code of Don. kthx)