I don't know if we do it the same as admin, but here you go:
First name: Calvin
Age: 14 ½
Location: Not specified
Builds: I have build a lot of hotel boats ( MANY ROOMS ) and a small space station, a super stage with a working DJ booth and a bar, I have helped build and run a fully operational movie theater.
Hey its Pepper here and I heard the new system was out for ranking so here is my app for VIP.
I am friends with Sniffles, Sanders, Frank, Magic, MasterWar164, Yomo, Accelleon, Greatguy, DJ Crypto and a lot more. I have been respected for a long time now and have always helped the clueless

, punished minges and respect respected and admin personnel. I want to apply for VIP because I am pretty well know in game and would like to help out people who need help. I hope to see you all on RANDOM.
He has a

from me, Great player in-game, Doesn't minge at all from mine and other peoples reports and he has never been reported I don't think....