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Post A Picture Of Yourself!

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>mfw you can wear contact lenses without a problem :/

I can't even sigh...



--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on September 16, 2011, 07:17:22 PM --->mfw you can wear contact lenses without a problem :/

I can't even sigh...


--- End quote ---



--- Quote from: Deacon on September 16, 2011, 07:23:59 PM ---astigmatism?

--- End quote ---

no I'm blind as a bat...
I'm nearsighted and can only see near shit about MY arms length in front of me.. and my arms short as fuck.

But nah it's cuz I have this weird thing about shit getting in my eyes..


--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on September 16, 2011, 07:27:17 PM ---no I'm blind as a bat...
I'm nearsighted and can only see near shit about MY arms length in front of me.. and my arms short as fuck.

But nah it's cuz I have this weird thing about shit getting in my eyes..

--- End quote ---

Highfive for glasses!

I'm supposed to wear them.

Like I said, these are pretty cheap. I only had a problem once because I had them in to long. (over 8 hours) I never have a problem putting them in, I can put them in while I walk lol. Anyways, back to pic posting, not Crypto's contact questionnaire :P

Me at fanexpo, the convention where I got one pair of contacts:

I was a spider splicer from Bioshock.


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