Entertainment (Read Only) > Post-Based Games/Threads
Post A Picture Of Yourself!
So um yeah, title says it all. This was pretty successful on other forums I go to so I thought I would try it here. Just post a pic of yourself for real, not some pic of a random person.
Sorry for the low quality on this btw, I have no camera.
Captain Communism:
Where do you want me to start?
I have many pics of myself on here.
But here's the most recent
Captain Communism:
inb4cogssays"Bitches don't know what I look like"
--- Quote from: Captain Communism on September 16, 2011, 02:02:52 PM ---inb4cogssays"Bitches don't know what I look like"
--- End quote ---
I happen to have a picture of him.
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