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Post A Picture Of Yourself!

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Monorail Cat:

--- Quote from: cogsandspigots on November 18, 2014, 06:40:37 PM ---

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Did you go to the A&M/Mizzou game on Saturday?  I was third deck, north end.  Wind/rain blowing in the face.  Fucking cold.


--- Quote from: Monorail Cat on November 18, 2014, 10:00:07 PM ---Did you go to the A&M/Mizzou game on Saturday?  I was third deck, north end.  Wind/rain blowing in the face.  Fucking cold.

--- End quote ---
I did, I was in the center of the third deck with my girlfriend.


--- Quote from: cogsandspigots on November 18, 2014, 06:40:37 PM ---

--- End quote ---
Aloha snackbar


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